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Core functions

The Core package implements general Python functions required by the thermoengine package. Typically, these are focused on interfacing with Objective-C vectors, arrays, matrices, etc.

class core.UnorderedList(initlist=None)[source]

Converts a 1-D numpy array into an instance of a DoubleVector Objective-C class.

This function is not normally called outside the equilibratepy module.

arrayan instance of a 1-D numpy array

Contents of array must be a sequence of double precision entries.

vecan instance of the Objective-C class DoubleVector

Contents of array as a pointer to an instance of DoubleVector


Converts a DoubleMatrix Objective-C instance into a numpy 2-D array.

This function is not normally called outside the equilibratepy module.

matan instance of the Objective-C class DoubleMatrix

Contents of mat are a sequence of double precision entries organized as a matrix.

arraynumpy array

Contents of mat as a 2-D numpy array


Converts a DoubleVector Objective-C instance into a numpy 1-D array.

This function is not normally called outside the equilibratepy module.

vecan instance of the Objective-C class DoubleVector

Contents of vec are a sequence of double precision entries.

arraynumpy array

Contents of vec as a 1-D numpy array

core.fill_array(var1, var2)[source]

Equilizes the dimension (shape) of two arrays or an array/scalar pair.

This function is not normally called outside the equilibratepy module.

On input var1 and var2 are either scalar/array pairs or arrays of the same shape. On output, the function returns a tuple with both arrays of the same shape. A scalar is extended with contant entries if that action is required to match the dimension of a scalar/array pair. Two scalars are converted to two single dimension numpy arrays of length one.

Uses the numpy.full_like function.

var1scalar or array

If var1 is an array, var2 must be either a scalar or an array of the same shape.

var2scalar or array

If var2 is an array, var1 must be either a scalar or an array of the same shape.

resulttuple, (numpy array, numpy array)

var1 and var2 converted to numpy arrays


>>> t = [500.0, 600.0]
>>> p = 1000.0
>>> t_a, p_a = fill_array(t, p)
>>> print (t_a)
[500.0, 600.0]
>>> print (p_a)
[1000.0, 1000.0]
core.get_src_object(classnm, return_class=False)[source]

Initialize object from underlying source code.

classnm: str

Name of src class

return_class: bool, default False

If True, return both src object and class as a tuple

src_obj: initialized src object
src_cls: (if return_class is True) src class