Source code for core

"""The Core package implements general Python functions
required by the thermoengine package. Typically, these are focused on interfacing
with Objective-C vectors, arrays, matrices, etc.

import collections

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.optimize import minimize

# Objective-C imports
import ctypes
from ctypes import cdll
from ctypes import util
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    from rubicon.objc import ObjCClass, NSObject, objc_method
if util.find_library('/usr/local/lib/libphaseobjc.dylib') is not None:
elif util.find_library('/usr/local/lib/libphaseobjc.so') is not None:

from collections import OrderedDict

# __all__ flag does not work in module file

__all__  = ['fill_array',

# Array Handling #
[docs]def fill_array(var1, var2): """Equilizes the dimension (shape) of two arrays or an array/scalar pair. This function is not normally called outside the equilibratepy module. On input ``var1`` and ``var2`` are either scalar/array pairs or arrays of the same shape. On output, the function returns a tuple with both arrays of the same shape. A scalar is extended with contant entries if that action is required to match the dimension of a scalar/array pair. Two scalars are converted to two single dimension numpy arrays of length one. Uses the ``numpy.full_like`` function. Parameters ---------- var1 : scalar or array If ``var1`` is an array, ``var2`` must be either a scalar or an array of the same shape. var2 : scalar or array If ``var2`` is an array, ``var1`` must be either a scalar or an array of the same shape. Returns ------- result : tuple, (numpy array, numpy array) ``var1`` and ``var2`` converted to numpy arrays Examples -------- >>> t = [500.0, 600.0] >>> p = 1000.0 >>> t_a, p_a = fill_array(t, p) >>> print (t_a) [500.0, 600.0] >>> print (p_a) [1000.0, 1000.0] """ var1_a = np.asarray( var1 ) var2_a = np.asarray( var2 ) if var1_a.shape==(): var1_a = np.asarray( [var1] ) if var2_a.shape==(): var2_a = np.asarray( [var2] ) # Begin try/except block to handle all cases for filling an array while True: try: assert var1_a.shape == var2_a.shape break except: pass try: var1_a = np.full_like( var2_a, var1_a ) break except: pass try: var2_a = np.full_like( var1_a, var2_a ) break except: pass # If none of the cases properly handle it, throw error assert False, 'var1 and var2 must both be equal shape or size=1' return var1_a, var2_a
################ # Phase ObjC # ################
[docs]def double_vector_to_array(vec): """Converts a DoubleVector Objective-C instance into a numpy 1-D array. This function is not normally called outside the equilibratepy module. Parameters ---------- vec : an instance of the Objective-C class DoubleVector Contents of ``vec`` are a sequence of double precision entries. Returns ------- array : numpy array Contents of ``vec`` as a 1-D numpy array """ size = vec.size array = np.empty(size) m = vec.pointerToDouble() ctypes.cast(m, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)) for i in range(size): array[i] = m[i] return array
[docs]def array_to_double_vector(array): """Converts a 1-D numpy array into an instance of a DoubleVector Objective-C class. This function is not normally called outside the equilibratepy module. Parameters ---------- array : an instance of a 1-D numpy array Contents of ``array`` must be a sequence of double precision entries. Returns ------- vec : an instance of the Objective-C class DoubleVector Contents of ``array`` as a pointer to an instance of DoubleVector """ doublevec_cls = ObjCClass('DoubleVector') # vec = (ctypes.c_double*array.size)() # ctypes.cast(vec, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)) vec = doublevec_cls.alloc().initWithSize_( array.size ) vec_pointer = vec.pointerToDouble() for ind, val in enumerate(array): vec_pointer[ind] = val return vec
def array_to_ctype_array(np_array): """Converts a 1-D numpy array into a c-type array. Parameters ---------- np_array : an instance of a 1-D numpy array Contents of ``array`` must be a sequence of double precision entries. Returns ------- ctype_array : a c-type array """ nc = len(np_array) m = (ctypes.c_double*nc)() ctypes.cast(m, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)) for i in range(np_array.size): m[i] = np_array[i] return m def ctype_array_to_array(ctype_array): """Converts a c-type array into a numpy array Parameters ---------- ctype_array : a c-type array Contents of ``array`` must be a sequence of double precision entries Returns ------- np_array : an instance of a 1-D numpy array """ N = ctype_array.size np_array = np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): np_array[i] = ctype_array.valueAtIndex_(i) return np_array
[docs]def double_matrix_to_array(mat): """Converts a DoubleMatrix Objective-C instance into a numpy 2-D array. This function is not normally called outside the equilibratepy module. Parameters ---------- mat : an instance of the Objective-C class DoubleMatrix Contents of ``mat`` are a sequence of double precision entries organized as a matrix. Returns ------- array : numpy array Contents of ``mat`` as a 2-D numpy array """ Nrow, Ncol = mat.rowSize, mat.colSize array = np.empty((Nrow,Ncol)) m = mat.pointerToPointerToDouble() ctypes.cast(m,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))) for i in range(Nrow): for j in range(Ncol): array[i,j] = m[i][j] return array
def double_tensor_to_array(ten): """Converts a DoubleTensor Objective-C instance into a numpy 3-D array. This function is not normally called outside the phases.py module. Parameters ---------- ten : an instance of the Objective-C class DoubleTensor Contents of ``ten`` are a sequence of double precision entries organized as a 3x3 tensor Returns ------- array : numpy array Contents of ``ten`` as a 3-D numpy array """ N1st, N2nd, N3rd = ten.firstSize, ten.secondSize, ten.thirdSize array = np.empty((N1st,N2nd,N3rd)) m = ten.pointerToPointerToPointerToDouble() ctypes.cast(m,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)))) for i in range(N1st): for j in range(N2nd): for k in range(N3rd): array[i,j,k] = m[i][j][k] return array
[docs]def get_src_object(classnm, return_class=False): """Initialize object from underlying source code. Parameters ---------- classnm: str Name of src class return_class: bool, default False If True, return both src object and class as a tuple Returns ------- src_obj: initialized src object src_cls: (if return_class is True) src class """ src_cls = ObjCClass(classnm) src_obj = src_cls.alloc().init() if return_class: return src_obj, src_cls else: return src_obj
######## # Math # ######## def make_scale_matrix(array): scl_mat_a = np.dot(np.expand_dims(array,-1), np.expand_dims(array,0)) return scl_mat_a ############# # Chemistry # ############# class _Chem: OXIDE_ORDER = np.array([ 'SiO2','TiO2','Al2O3','Fe2O3','Cr2O3','FeO','MnO','MgO','NiO', 'CoO','CaO','Na2O','K2O','P2O5','H2O','CO2']) PERIODIC_ORDER = np.array([ None, 'H', 'He', 'Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ne', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P', 'S', 'Cl', 'Ar', 'K', 'Ca', 'Sc', 'Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Ga', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', 'Rb', 'Sr', 'Y', 'Zr', 'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'In', 'Sn', 'Sb', 'Te', 'I', 'Xe', 'Cs', 'Ba', 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd', 'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb', 'Lu', 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg', 'Tl', 'Pb', 'Bi', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn', 'Fr', 'Ra', 'Ac', 'Th', 'Pa', 'U', 'Np', 'Pu', 'Am', 'Cm', 'Bk', 'Cf', 'Es', 'Fm', 'Md', 'No', 'Lr', 'Rf', 'Db', 'Sg' ]) PERIODIC_NAMES = np.array([ None, 'hydrogen', 'helium', 'lithium', 'beryllium', 'boron', 'carbon', 'nitrogen', 'oxygen', 'fluorine', 'neon', 'sodium', 'magnesium', 'aluminum', 'silicon', 'phosphorous', 'sulfur', 'chlorine', 'argon', 'potassium', 'calcium', 'scandium', 'titanium', 'vanadium', 'chromium', 'manganese', 'iron', 'cobalt', 'nickel', 'copper', 'zinc', 'gallium', 'germanium', 'arsenic', 'selenium', 'bromine', 'krypton', 'rubidium', 'strontium', 'yttrium', 'zirconium', 'niobium', 'molybdenum', 'technetium', 'ruthenium', 'rhodium', 'palladium', 'silver', 'cadmium', 'indium', 'tin', 'antimony', 'tellurium', 'iodine', 'xenon', 'cesium', 'barium', 'lantahnum', 'cerium', 'praseodymium', 'neodymium', 'promethium', 'samarium', 'europium', 'gadolinium', 'terbium', 'dysprosium', 'holmium', 'erbium', 'thulium', 'ytterbium', 'lutetium', 'hafnium', 'tantalum', 'tungsten', 'rhenium', 'osmium', 'iridium', 'platinum', 'gold', 'mercury', 'thallium', 'lead', 'bismuth', 'polonium', 'astatine', 'radon', 'francium', 'radium', 'actinium', 'thorium', 'protactinium', 'uranium', 'neptunium', 'plutonium', 'americium', 'curium', 'berkelium', 'californium', 'einsteinium', 'fermium', 'mendelevium', 'nobelium', 'lawrencium', 'ruferfordium', 'dubnium', 'seaborgium' ]) PERIODIC_WEIGHTS = np.array([ 0.0, 1.0079, 4.00260, 6.94, 9.01218, 10.81, 12.011, 14.0067, 15.9994, 18.998403, 20.179, 22.98977, 24.305, 26.98154, 28.0855, 30.97376, 32.06, 35.453, 39.948, 39.102, 40.08, 44.9559, 47.90, 50.9415, 51.996, 54.9380, 55.847, 58.9332, 58.71, 63.546, 65.38, 69.735, 72.59, 74.9216, 78.96, 79.904, 83.80, 85.4678, 87.62, 88.9059, 91.22, 92.9064, 95.94, 98.9062, 101.07, 102.9055, 106.4, 107.868, 112.41, 114.82, 118.69, 121.75, 127.60, 126.9045, 131.30, 132.9054, 137.33, 138.9055, 140.12, 140.9077, 144.24, 145., 150.4, 151.96, 157.25, 158.9254, 162.50, 164.9304, 167.26, 168.9342, 173.04, 174.967, 178.49, 180.9479, 183.85, 186.207, 190.2, 192.22, 195.09, 196.9665, 200.59, 204.37, 207.2, 208.9804, 209., 210., 222., 223., 226.0254, 227., 232.0381, 231.0359, 238.029, 237.0482, 244., 243., 247., 247., 251., 254., 257., 258., 259., 260., 260., 260., 263.]) # These entropy values are from Robie, Hemingway and Fisher (1979) USGS # Bull 1452 as stipulated by Berman (1988). They are NOT the most recent # values (e.g.NIST) DBL_MAX = 999999.0 PERIODIC_ENTROPES = ([ 0.0, 130.68/2.0, 126.15, 29.12, 9.54, 5.90, 5.74, 191.61/2.0, 205.15/2.0, 202.79/2.0, 146.32, 51.30, 32.68, 28.35, 18.81, 22.85, 31.80, 223.08/2.0, 154.84, 64.68, 41.63, 34.64, 30.63, 28.91, 23.64, 32.01, 27.28, 30.04, 29.87, 33.15, 41.63, 40.83, 31.09, 35.69, 42.27, 245.46/2.0, 164.08, 76.78, 55.40, 44.43, 38.99, 36.40, 28.66, DBL_MAX, 28.53, 31.54, 37.82, 42.55, 51.80, 57.84, 51.20, 45.52, 49.50, 116.15/2.0, 169.68, 85.23, 62.42, 56.90, 69.46, 73.93, 71.09, DBL_MAX, 69.50, 80.79, 68.45, 73.30, 74.89, 75.02, 73.18, 74.01, 59.83, 50.96, 43.56, 41.51, 32.64, 36.53, 32.64, 35.48, 41.63, 47.49, 75.90, 64.18, 65.06, 56.74, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, 176.23, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, 53.39, DBL_MAX, 50.29, DBL_MAX, 51.46, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX ]) """ Mole oxide to element conversion matrix - rows = oxides in standard OXIDE_ORDER - columns = elements in same order as they appear in OXIDE_ORDER matrix; thus, conversion matrix only valid for elements present in OXIDE_ORDER matrix; all Fe is converted to total Fe in column 4 - column order = Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Cr, Mn, Mg, Ni, Co, Ca, Na, K, P, H, C, O """ MOL_OXIDE_TO_ELEM = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 5], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2]]) LEPR_phase_symbols = { 'Liquid':'Liq', 'Clinopyroxene':'Cpx', 'Garnet':'Grt', 'Olivine':'Ol', 'Orthopyroxene':'Opx', 'Biotite':'Bt', 'Fluid':None, 'Corundum':'Crn', 'Rutile':'Rt', 'Plagioclase':'Fsp', 'Amphibole':'Cam', 'Zoisite':'Zo', 'Cordierite':'Crd', 'Muscovite':'Ms', 'Quartz':'Qz', 'Kyanite':'Ky', 'Potassium feldspar':'Fsp', 'Sillimanite':'Sil', 'Spinel':'SplS', 'Staurolite':None , 'Melilite':'Mll', 'Carbonate melt':None, 'Nepheline':'NphS', 'Ilmenite':'Ilm', 'Eskolaite':None, 'Anorthite':'An', 'cc-dol':None} def __init__(self): self._init_oxide_props() pass def _init_oxide_props(self): """Dictionary of oxide properties Returns ------- oxide_data: dict with keys `oxides` : list of oxide strings `cations` : list of cation strings `molwt` : array of molecular weights `cat_num` : array of cation numbers `oxy_num` : array of oxygen numbers `oxycat_ratio` : array of oxygen/cation ratios """ def make_oxide_dat(name, cation, molwt, charge, catnum, oxynum): oxycat_ratio = oxynum/catnum oxide_dat = {'name':name, 'cation':cation, 'molwt':molwt, 'charge':charge, 'catnum':catnum, 'oxynum':oxynum, 'oxycat_ratio': oxycat_ratio} return oxide_dat oxide_data = [] oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('SiO2', 'Si', 60.0848, +4, 1, 2)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('TiO2', 'Ti', 79.8988, +4, 1, 2)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('Al2O3', 'Al', 101.96128, +3, 2, 3)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('Fe2O3', 'Fe', 159.6922, +3, 2, 3)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('Cr2O3', 'Cr', 151.9902, +3, 2, 3)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('FeO', 'Fe', 71.8464, +2, 1, 1)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('MnO', 'Mn', 70.9374, +2, 1, 1)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('MgO', 'Mg', 40.3044, +2, 1, 1)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('NiO', 'Ni', 74.7094, +2, 1, 1)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('CoO', 'Co', 74.9326, +2, 1, 1)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('CaO', 'Ca', 56.0794, +2, 1, 1)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('Na2O', 'Na', 61.97894, +1, 2, 1)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('K2O', 'K', 94.1954, +1, 2, 1)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('P2O5', 'P', 141.94452, +5, 2, 5)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('H2O', 'H', 18.0152, +1, 2, 1)) oxide_data.append(make_oxide_dat('CO2', 'C', 44.0098, +4, 1, 2)) oxide_props = OrderedDict() oxide_props['oxide_num'] = len(oxide_data) oxide_props['oxides'] = np.array([idat['name'] for idat in oxide_data]) oxide_props['cations'] = np.array([idat['cation'] for idat in oxide_data]) oxide_props['molwt'] = np.array([idat['molwt'] for idat in oxide_data]) oxide_props['charge'] = np.array([idat['charge'] for idat in oxide_data]) oxide_props['cat_num'] = np.array([idat['catnum'] for idat in oxide_data]) oxide_props['oxy_num'] = np.array([idat['oxynum'] for idat in oxide_data]) oxide_props['oxycat_ratio'] = np.array([idat['oxycat_ratio'] for idat in oxide_data]) # for idat in oxide_data: # oxide = idat['name'] # oxide_props[oxide] = idat self._oxide_props = oxide_props pass @property def oxide_props(self): return self._oxide_props def select_oxides(self, oxide_names, oxide_values): # oxide_molwt = chem.oxide_props['molwt'] oxides = chem.oxide_props['oxides'] assert np.all([oxname in oxides for oxname in oxide_names]),( 'oxide_names must all be valid oxide names') value = np.squeeze(np.array([oxide_values[oxides==iname] for iname in oxide_names])) return value def calc_mol_oxide_comp(self, element_comp): major_cations = self.oxide_props['cations'] # NOTE: not necessarily actually monovalent, but where we consider only one valence state monovalent_oxide_ind = np.where(self.oxide_props['cations']!='Fe')[0] FeO_oxide_ind = np.where(self.oxide_props['oxides']=='FeO')[0] Fe2O3_oxide_ind = np.where(self.oxide_props['oxides']=='Fe2O3')[0] def get_atomic_indices(monovalent_cations): monovalent_elem_ind = np.array([np.where(elems==icat)[0][0] for icat in monovalent_cations]) oxy_elem_ind = np.where(elems=='O')[0][0] Fe_elem_ind = np.where(elems=='Fe')[0][0] return monovalent_elem_ind, oxy_elem_ind, Fe_elem_ind def calc_Fe_oxides(Fe_remain, oxy_remain): if Fe_remain == 0: mol_FeO = 0 mol_Fe2O3 = 0 else: #ratio = oxy_remain/Fe_remain #frac_Fe2O3 = (ratio-1)/(1.5-1) #frac_FeO = 1-frac_Fe2O3 #mol_Fe_oxide = Fe_remain/(2*frac_Fe2O3 + 1*frac_FeO) #mol_FeO = mol_Fe_oxide*frac_FeO #mol_Fe2O3 = mol_Fe_oxide*frac_Fe2O3 mol_Fe2O3 = oxy_remain - Fe_remain mol_FeO = 3.0*Fe_remain - 2.0*oxy_remain return mol_FeO, mol_Fe2O3 monovalent_oxides = self.oxide_props['oxides'][monovalent_oxide_ind] monovalent_cations = self.oxide_props['cations'][monovalent_oxide_ind] monovalent_cat_num = self.oxide_props['cat_num'][monovalent_oxide_ind] monovalent_oxy_num = self.oxide_props['oxy_num'][monovalent_oxide_ind] elems = self.PERIODIC_ORDER monovalent_elem_ind, oxy_elem_ind, Fe_elem_ind = get_atomic_indices(monovalent_cations) # extract array of all major elements from the composition monovalent_element_comp = element_comp[monovalent_elem_ind] monovalent_mol_oxide_comp = monovalent_element_comp/monovalent_cat_num monovalent_mol_oxy_tot = np.sum(monovalent_oxy_num*monovalent_mol_oxide_comp) oxy_remain = element_comp[oxy_elem_ind] - monovalent_mol_oxy_tot Fe_remain = element_comp[Fe_elem_ind] mol_FeO, mol_Fe2O3 = calc_Fe_oxides(Fe_remain, oxy_remain) mol_oxide_comp = np.zeros(self.oxide_props['oxide_num']) mol_oxide_comp[monovalent_oxide_ind] = monovalent_mol_oxide_comp mol_oxide_comp[FeO_oxide_ind] = mol_FeO mol_oxide_comp[Fe2O3_oxide_ind] = mol_Fe2O3 return mol_oxide_comp def format_mol_oxide_comp(self, mol_oxides, convert_grams_to_moles=False): """ convert mol_oxide dictionary to mol_oxide array Parameters: ========== mol_oxides: Dictionary Dictionary of molar oxide compositions with oxide names as keys convert_grams_to_moles: False, default boolean flag indicating weight input in grams Returns: ======== mol_oxide_comp: np array Molar oxide array in standard oxide order """ OXIDE_ORDER = self.OXIDE_ORDER mol_oxide_comp = np.zeros(len(OXIDE_ORDER)) assert np.all([oxide in OXIDE_ORDER for oxide in mol_oxides]) for oxide in mol_oxides: mol_oxide = mol_oxides[oxide] ind, = np.where(OXIDE_ORDER==oxide) if convert_grams_to_moles: mol_oxide_comp[ind] = mol_oxide/self.oxide_props['molwt'][ind] else: mol_oxide_comp[ind] = mol_oxide return mol_oxide_comp def mol_oxide_to_elem(self, mol_oxides, oxide_names=None): """ Convert mole oxide composition to mole element composition. Parameters ---------- mol_oxides : array mole oxide composition defined in standard OXIDE_ORDER Returns ------- mol_elem : array mole element composition with elements in same order as oxide array; only functions for elements present in OXIDE_ORDER; Fe given as total Fe elem order is Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Cr, Mn, Mg, Ni, Co, Ca, Na, K, P, H, C, O """ # MOL_OXIDE_TO_ELEM = self.MOL_OXIDE_TO_ELEM MOL_OXIDE_TO_ELEM, oxide_names = self._validate_oxides_list( self.MOL_OXIDE_TO_ELEM, oxide_names) # oxide_molecular_wts = self.oxide_props['molwt'] # oxide_molecular_wts = self.get_molwt(oxide_names) # MOL_OXIDE_TO_ELEM = self.select_oxides(oxide_names, self.MOL_OXIDE_TO_ELEM) mol_elem = np.dot(mol_oxides, MOL_OXIDE_TO_ELEM) return mol_elem def get_Berman_formula(self, element_comp): """Get chemical formula in Berman form (e.g., H(2.0)O(1.0)). Parameters ---------- element_comp : double array Element composition defined in standard PERIODIC_ORDER Returns ------- formula : str """ formula = '' for amt, sym in zip(element_comp, self.PERIODIC_ORDER): if amt > 0.0: formula += sym + '(' + str(amt) + ')' return formula def elem_to_oxide(self): # %el x (oxide molecular weight/el weight) = wt% oxide raise NotImplemented def oxide_to_elem(self, oxide_names, oxide_wts): #oxide_names = np.array([oxide_names]) #oxide_wts = np.array([oxide_wts]) #oxide_molecular_wts = self.oxide_props['molwt'] #wt% oxide to el% is -- wt% oxide x (el weight/oxide molecular weight)=el% raise NotImplemented def get_comp_subset(self): raise NotImplemented def _validate_oxides_list(self, oxide_values, oxide_names): oxide_values = np.array(oxide_values) ndim = oxide_values.ndim if ndim==2: noxides = oxide_values.shape[1] else: noxides = len(oxide_values) if oxide_names is None: oxide_names = self.OXIDE_ORDER oxide_names = np.array(oxide_names) assert len(oxide_names)==noxides, ( 'Num. of oxide names must match oxide wts.' ) return oxide_values, oxide_names def _normalize_oxide_comp(self, oxide_values): if oxide_values.ndim == 2: totals = np.sum(oxide_values, axis=1)[:,np.newaxis] else: totals = np.sum(oxide_values) oxide_values = oxide_values/totals return oxide_values def wt_to_mol_oxide(self, oxide_wts, oxide_names=None): oxide_wts, oxide_names = self._validate_oxides_list( oxide_wts, oxide_names) # oxide_molecular_wts = self.oxide_props['molwt'] # oxide_molecular_wts = self.get_molwt(oxide_names) oxide_molecular_wts = self.select_oxides(oxide_names, self.oxide_props['molwt']) mol_oxides = oxide_wts/oxide_molecular_wts mol_oxides = self._normalize_oxide_comp(mol_oxides) return mol_oxides def mol_to_wt_oxide(self, mol_oxides, oxide_names=None): mol_oxides, oxide_names = self._validate_oxides_list( mol_oxides, oxide_names) oxide_molecular_wts = self.oxide_props['molwt'] wt_oxides = mol_oxides*oxide_molecular_wts wt_oxides = self._normalize_oxide_comp(wt_oxides) return wt_oxides def get_phase_symbols(self, rxn_data): return rxn_data['phase_symbols']['phase_symbol'].tolist() def format_meas_mineral_comp(self, mineral_comp, o_site_total): mineral_mol_elem_comp = self.mol_oxide_to_elem(mineral_comp) meas_elem_comp = mineral_mol_elem_comp*o_site_total/mineral_mol_elem_comp[-1] return meas_elem_comp def _validate_site_occ_input(self, single_value_index, site_id_index, endmember_site_occ, site_totals): for ival in single_value_index: index = site_id_index[ival] for iendmem in endmember_site_occ: assert iendmem[-1] ==site_totals[-1], ( 'The last column of the site occupancy matrix and last element ' 'of the site totals array must be equal. Recall, the last column ' 'of the site_occupancy matrix must be oxygen and must have ' 'values equal to the last element of the site totals array.') assert iendmem[index]==site_totals[ival], ( 'Invariant sites in the site occ matrix are not equal to' 'the site totals.') def _success_test(self, residual, threshold): if np.max(np.abs(residual))< threshold: success = 'minimization successful' else: success = 'minimization failed; residual greater than threshold value' return success def lstsqr_endmember_comp(self, mol_oxide_comp, mol_oxide_comp_endmembers, decimals): #mol_oxide_comp_endmembers = phases.props['mol_oxide_comp'] #mol_oxide_comp_endmembers = modelDB.phases[abbrev].props['mol_oxide_comp'] output = np.linalg.lstsq( mol_oxide_comp_endmembers.T, mol_oxide_comp, rcond=None) endmember_comp = output[0] endmember_comp = np.round(endmember_comp, decimals=decimals) mol_oxide_comp_model = np.dot(mol_oxide_comp_endmembers.T, endmember_comp) mol_oxide_comp_residual = (mol_oxide_comp - mol_oxide_comp_model) return endmember_comp, mol_oxide_comp_model, mol_oxide_comp_residual def site_spec_lstsq_endmember_comp(self, meas_elem_comp, endmember_elem_stoic, endmember_site_occ): """ Infer endmember composition using least squares method. Parameters: ========== meas_elem_comp: array measured mole element composition for specific phase elements must be in the order (Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Cr, Mn, Mg, Ni, Co, Ca, Na, K, P, H, C, O)) endmember_elem_stoic: array stoichiometry of endmembers in terms of elements rows = individual endmembers columns = elements (following the order Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Cr, Mn, Mg, Ni, Co, Ca, Na, K, P, H, C, O) endmember_site_occ: array site occupancies for each endmember rows = individual endmembers columns = site occupancies in the order of elements on X site, elements on Y site, T site, followed by oxygen. Returns: ======== endmember_comp_lsq: np array endmember proportions from least squares fit site_occ_lsq: array site occupancy proportions from least squares fit resid_lsq: array least squares residual """ endmember_comp_lsq, resid_lsq, rank, sing_vals = np.lingalg.lstsq(endmember_elem_stoic.T, meas_elem_comp) site_occ_lsq = np.dot(endmember_site_occ.T, endmember_comp_lsq) return endmember_comp_lsq, site_occ_lsq, resid_lsq def nnls_endmember_comp(self, meas_elem_comp, endmember_elem_stoic, endmember_site_occ): endmember_comp_nnls, resid_nnls = optimize.nnls(endmember_elem_stoic.T, meas_elem_comp) site_occ_nnls = np.dot(endmember_site_occ.T, endmember_comp_nnls) return endmember_comp_nnls, site_occ_nnls, resid_nnls def _null_vectors(self, endmember_site_occ_dev): u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(endmember_site_occ_dev) null_vectors=[] threshold = 1e-10 for ivh in vh: if np.all(np.abs((endmember_site_occ_dev.dot(ivh))) <= threshold): null_vectors.append(ivh) else: pass return null_vectors def _site_occ_constraints(self, endmember_comp_lsq, site_occ_stoic, meas_elem_comp, endmember_site_occ, null_vectors, site_occ_lsq, avg_endmember_site_occ, site_totals, site_id, uniq_site_id, single_value_index): fn = lambda endmember_comp_lsq, site_occ_stoic, meas_elem_comp: ( np.linalg.norm(site_occ_stoic.dot(endmember_comp_lsq) - meas_elem_comp)) bounds = [[0., None]]*len(endmember_site_occ.T) cons = [] for inull_vec in null_vectors: con = {} con['type'] = 'eq' con['fun'] = lambda site_occ_lsq, avg_endmember_site_occ=avg_endmember_site_occ, inull_vec=inull_vec: ( inull_vec.dot(site_occ_lsq-avg_endmember_site_occ)) cons.append(con) for ivalue in single_value_index: uniq_site_id.remove(ivalue) for isite in uniq_site_id: imask = site_id ==isite isite_dev = lambda site_occ_lsq, imask=imask, site_totals=site_totals,isite=isite: ( np.sum(site_occ_lsq[imask])-site_totals[isite]) cons.append({'type': 'eq', 'fun': isite_dev}) return fn, bounds, cons def _constrained_minimization(self, fn, site_occ_lsq, site_occ_stoic, meas_elem_comp, bounds, cons, endmember_site_occ, threshold): sol = minimize(fn, site_occ_lsq, args=(site_occ_stoic, meas_elem_comp), method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=cons) site_occ_constr = sol.x endmember_comp_constr = np.linalg.pinv(endmember_site_occ.T).dot(site_occ_constr) resid_constr = site_occ_stoic.dot(site_occ_constr) - meas_elem_comp rms_resid_constr = np.sqrt(np.mean(resid_constr**2)) success = self._success_test(resid_constr, threshold) return site_occ_constr, endmember_comp_constr, resid_constr, rms_resid_constr, success def infer_endmember_comp(self, meas_elem_comp, endmember_elem_stoic, endmember_site_occ, site_totals, site_id, threshold=1e-1, lstsq_fit=False, output=True): """ Infer endmember composition using minimization method. Notes ----- * This method is not currently being used in calibration code; there is an analogous function in phases.py called "calc_endmember_comp" * This function implements a complex mechanism of calculating endmember compositions in which it involves detailed site occupancy constraints not inherent in either the intrinsic or least squares minimizations to get endmember compositions * This function has a more extensive output and will spit out site occupanices under least squares and constrained minimizations as well as residuals and success statements Parameters: ========== meas_elem_comp: array measured mole element composition for specific phase endmember_elem_stoic: array stoichiometry of endmembers in terms of elements rows = individual endmembers columns = elements (following the order Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Cr, Mn, Mg, Ni, Co, Ca, Na, K, P, H, C, O) endmember_site_occ: array site occupancies for each endmember rows = individual endmembers columns = site occupancies in the order of elements on X site, elements on Y site, T site, followed by oxygen. site_totals: array total atoms allowed on each site output: True, default boolean flag indicating whether full output dictionary is returned; if False, function will return endmember proportions only Returns: ======== output: dict dictionary contents are as follows: endmember_comp_lsq: array endmember proportions from least squares fit site_occ_lsq: array site occupancie proportions from least squares fit site_occ_constr: array final site occupancy proportions from minimization function endmember_comp_constr: array final endmember proportions after minimization resid_lsq: array least squares residual resid_constr: array residual using site proportions from minimization (minimizes Ax-b=0) rms_resid_constr: int root mean square of resid_constr array OR endmember_comp_constr: array final endmember proportions after minimization """ site_id_info = np.unique(site_id, return_counts=True, return_index=True) uniq_site_id = site_id_info[0] uniq_site_id = uniq_site_id.tolist() site_id_index = site_id_info[1] site_id_count = site_id_info[2] single_value_index, = np.where(site_id_count==1) self._validate_site_occ_input(single_value_index, site_id_index, endmember_site_occ, site_totals) if lstsq_fit == True: endmember_comp_lsq, site_occ_lsq, resid_lsq = ( self.lstsq_endmember_comp(meas_elem_comp, endmember_elem_stoic, endmember_site_occ)) endmember_site_occ_inv = np.linalg.pinv(endmember_site_occ.T) site_occ_stoic = np.dot(endmember_elem_stoic.T, endmember_site_occ_inv) avg_endmember_site_occ = np.mean(endmember_site_occ, axis=0) endmember_site_occ_dev = endmember_site_occ-avg_endmember_site_occ null_vectors = self._null_vectors(endmember_site_occ_dev) fn, bounds, cons = self._site_occ_constraints(endmember_comp_lsq, site_occ_stoic, meas_elem_comp, endmember_site_occ, null_vectors, site_occ_lsq, avg_endmember_site_occ, site_totals, site_id, uniq_site_id, single_value_index) site_occ_constr, endmember_comp_constr, resid_constr, rms_resid_constr, success = ( self._constrained_minimization(fn, site_occ_lsq, site_occ_stoic,meas_elem_comp, bounds, cons, endmember_site_occ, threshold)) if output == True: output = {} output['success'] = success output['endmember_comp_lsq'] = endmember_comp_lsq output['site_occ_lsq'] = site_occ_lsq output['resid_lsq'] = resid_lsq output['site_occ_constr'] = site_occ_constr output['endmember_comp_constr'] = endmember_comp_constr output['resid_constr'] = resid_constr output['rms_resid_constr'] = rms_resid_constr return output else: return success, endmember_comp_constr else: endmember_comp_nnls, site_occ_nnls, resid_nnls = ( self.nnls_endmember_comp(meas_elem_comp, endmember_elem_stoic, endmember_site_occ)) success = self._success_test(resid_nnls, threshold) if output == True: output = {} output['success'] = success output['endmember_comp_nnls'] = endmember_comp_nnls output['site_occ_nnls'] = site_occ_nnls output['resid_nnls'] = resid_nnls return output else: return success, endmember_comp_nnls def calc_reaction_svd(self, phase_symbols, TOLsvd=1e-4, modelDB=None): """ Obtain svd of valid set of reactions Parameters ---------- phase_symbols : list of strings list of phases (according to Berman abbreviations) that are allowed to participate in any given reaction TOL : Returns ------- rxn_svd: array set of linearly independent reactions with variance minimized and orthogonality maximized """ if modelDB is None: from thermoengine import model modelDB = model.Database() oxide_num = self.oxide_props['oxide_num'] all_mol_oxide_comp = np.zeros((0,oxide_num)) all_phase_name = [] all_phase_symbol = [] all_endmember_name = [] all_endmember_id = np.zeros((0)) all_phase_ind = np.zeros((0)) all_atom_num = [] for (ind_phs, iabbrev) in enumerate(phase_symbols): #iphs_props = modelDB.phase_attributes[iabbrev]['props'] iphs_props = modelDB.phases[iabbrev].props iall_mol_oxide_comp = iphs_props['mol_oxide_comp'] iphase_name = iphs_props['phase_name'] iendmember_name = iphs_props['endmember_name'] iendmember_num = len(iendmember_name) iendmember_id = np.arange(iendmember_num) iatom_num = iphs_props['atom_num'] #iphase_name_tile = np.tile(np.array([iphs_props['phase_name']]), iendmember_num) all_phase_ind = np.hstack((all_phase_ind, np.tile(ind_phs,(iendmember_num)))) all_mol_oxide_comp= np.vstack((all_mol_oxide_comp, iall_mol_oxide_comp)) all_phase_name.extend([iphase_name for i in range(iendmember_num)]) all_phase_symbol.extend([iabbrev for i in range(iendmember_num)]) all_endmember_name.extend(iendmember_name) all_endmember_id = np.hstack((all_endmember_id, iendmember_id)) all_atom_num.extend(iatom_num) endmember_num = len(all_endmember_name) all_atom_num = np.array(all_atom_num) # oxide_atom_num = self.oxide_props['cat_num']+self.oxide_props['oxy_num'] # oxide_comp_per_atom = all_mol_oxide_comp/np.tile(oxide_atom_num[np.newaxis,:],(endmember_num,1)) # oxide_comp_per_atom /= np.tile(np.sum(oxide_comp_per_atom, axis=1)[:,np.newaxis],(1,oxide_atom_num.size)) # np.sum(oxide_comp_per_atom, axis=1) # Nendmember, Noxide = oxide_comp_per_atom.shape # u, s, vh =np.linalg.svd(oxide_comp_per_atom.T) # convert all_mol_oxide comp to moles of atoms for each oxide; divide by oxide num and norm # to 1; Nendmember, Noxide = all_mol_oxide_comp.shape u, s, vh =np.linalg.svd(all_mol_oxide_comp.T) TOL = TOLsvd N_nonrxn = np.sum(np.abs(s)>= TOL) N_rxn = Nendmember-Noxide + np.sum(np.abs(s)< TOL) non_rxn = vh[0:N_nonrxn] rxn_svd0 = vh[N_nonrxn:] scl = np.array([np.linalg.norm(irxn) for irxn in rxn_svd0]) rxn_svd0 = rxn_svd0/np.tile(scl[:,np.newaxis],(1,endmember_num)) # Describe code below; add to documentation reac_atom_num = 0.5*np.sum(np.abs(rxn_svd0)*all_atom_num, axis=1) rxn_svd = rxn_svd0*all_atom_num[np.newaxis,:]/( reac_atom_num[:,np.newaxis]) rxn_svd_props = OrderedDict() rxn_svd_props['rxn_svd'] = rxn_svd rxn_svd_props['oxide_num'] = oxide_num rxn_svd_props['all_mol_oxide_comp'] = all_mol_oxide_comp rxn_svd_props['all_phase_name'] = all_phase_name rxn_svd_props['all_phase_symbol'] = all_phase_symbol rxn_svd_props['all_endmember_name'] = all_endmember_name rxn_svd_props['all_endmember_id'] = all_endmember_id rxn_svd_props['all_phase_ind'] = all_phase_ind rxn_svd_props['all_atom_num'] = all_atom_num #self._rxn_svd_props = rxn_svd_props #TK: What is the purpose of this? return rxn_svd_props #rxn_svd, rxn_svd_props = get_reaction_svd(phase_symbols, TOLsvd=1e-4) def get_wtcoefs_ortho(self, wtcoefs, wtcoefs_ortho, apply_norm=True): wts_ortho = wtcoefs.copy() for iwtcoefs_ortho in wtcoefs_ortho: wts_ortho -= np.dot(iwtcoefs_ortho, wts_ortho)*iwtcoefs_ortho if apply_norm: wts_ortho /= np.linalg.norm(wts_ortho) return wts_ortho def random_rxn(self, wtcoefs_ortho=None, Nbasis=36): wts = 2*np.random.rand(Nbasis)-1 wts /= np.linalg.norm(wts) if wtcoefs_ortho is not None: wts = self.get_wtcoefs_ortho(wts, wtcoefs_ortho) return wts def _ortho_penalty(self, wts, wtcoefs_ortho=None, scale=1): if wtcoefs_ortho is None: cost = 0 else: wts_ortho = self.get_wtcoefs_ortho(wts, wtcoefs_ortho, apply_norm=False) frac = np.minimum(np.linalg.norm(wts_ortho)/np.linalg.norm(wts), 1) cost = scale*(1-frac**2) return cost def rxn_complexity(self, rxn_svd, TOL=1e-10): irxn_abs = np.abs(rxn_svd) xlogx = irxn_abs*np.log(irxn_abs) xlogx[irxn_abs<TOL] = 0 complexity = -np.sum(xlogx) return complexity def lasso_rxn_complexity(self, rxn_svd, scl=1.0): irxn_abs = np.abs(rxn_svd) complexity = -np.sum(-irxn_abs/scl-np.log(2*scl)) return complexity def linear_combo(self, wts, rxn, return_scl=False): wts = np.array(wts) endmember_num = rxn.shape[1] scl = np.tile(wts[:,np.newaxis],(1,endmember_num)) rxn_wt = np.sum(scl*rxn, axis=0) scl_tot = np.linalg.norm(rxn_wt) rxn_wt /= scl_tot if return_scl: return rxn_wt, wts/scl_tot else: return rxn_wt def rxn_costfun(self, wts, rxn, wtcoefs_ortho=None, ortho_scale=1, lasso_scale=1, debug=False, TOL=1e-10): rxn_wt = self.linear_combo(wts, rxn) # complexity = self.rxn_complexity(rxn_wt, TOL=TOL) complexity = self.lasso_rxn_complexity( rxn_wt, scl=lasso_scale) cost = complexity + self._ortho_penalty(wts, wtcoefs_ortho=wtcoefs_ortho, scale=ortho_scale) if debug: if wtcoefs_ortho is not None: wts_ortho = self.get_wtcoefs_ortho(wts, wtcoefs_ortho, apply_norm=False) print('norm(wts) = {wts_norm}'.format(wts_norm=np.linalg.norm(wts))) print('norm(ortho) = {ortho_norm}'.format(ortho_norm=np.linalg.norm(wts_ortho))) ortho_cost = self._ortho_penalty(wts, wtcoefs_ortho=wtcoefs_ortho, scale=ortho_scale) print('ortho_cost = ', ortho_cost) return cost def _draw_basic_rxns(self, rxn_svd, wtcoefs_ortho=None, Ndraw=10, ortho_scale=1, lasso_scale=1.0, Nbasis=36, TOL=1e-10): from scipy import optimize Nbasis = rxn_svd.shape[0] Nendmem = rxn_svd.shape[1] wtcoefs = np.zeros((Ndraw, Nbasis)) cost = np.zeros(Ndraw) rxn_coefs = np.zeros((Ndraw, Nendmem)) for ind in range(Ndraw): iwts0 = self.random_rxn(wtcoefs_ortho=wtcoefs_ortho, Nbasis=Nbasis) def costfun(wts, rxn=rxn_svd, wtcoefs_ortho=wtcoefs_ortho,lasso_scale=lasso_scale, ortho_scale=ortho_scale): return self.rxn_costfun(wts, rxn, wtcoefs_ortho=wtcoefs_ortho, lasso_scale=lasso_scale, ortho_scale=ortho_scale, TOL=TOL) for ind_fit in range(1): ifit = optimize.minimize(costfun, iwts0, tol=1e-10) iwts0 = ifit['x'] iwt_fit = ifit['x'] self.rxn_costfun(iwt_fit, rxn_svd, wtcoefs_ortho=wtcoefs_ortho, lasso_scale=lasso_scale, ortho_scale=ortho_scale, debug=True, TOL=TOL) irxn_coefs = self.linear_combo(iwt_fit, rxn_svd) wtcoefs[ind] = iwt_fit rxn_coefs[ind] = irxn_coefs cost[ind] = ifit['fun'] return wtcoefs, rxn_coefs, cost def next_basic_rxn(self, rxn_svd, wtcoefs_ortho=None, Ndraw=10, ortho_scale=1, lasso_scale=1, Nbasis=36, TOL=1e-10): wtcoefs, rxn_coefs, cost = self._draw_basic_rxns(rxn_svd, wtcoefs_ortho=wtcoefs_ortho, Ndraw=Ndraw, ortho_scale=ortho_scale, lasso_scale=lasso_scale, Nbasis=Nbasis, TOL=TOL) ind = np.argmin(cost) return wtcoefs[ind], rxn_coefs[ind], cost[ind] def get_rxns(self, rxn_svd, Ndraw=10, ortho_scale=10, lasso_scale=1.0, Nbasis=36, TOL=1e-10): """ filter rxn_svd based on cost analysis and get basic reactions Parameters ---------- rxn_svd : double array set of linearly independent reactions Returns ------- """ Nbasis = rxn_svd.shape[0] Nendmem = rxn_svd.shape[1] wtcoefs_ortho = np.zeros((Nbasis, Nbasis)) wtcoefs = np.zeros((Nbasis, Nbasis)) rxn_coefs = np.zeros((Nbasis, Nendmem)) costs = np.zeros(Nbasis) for ind in range(Nbasis): iwtcoefs, irxn_coefs, icost = self.next_basic_rxn(rxn_svd, wtcoefs_ortho=wtcoefs_ortho, Ndraw=Ndraw, ortho_scale=ortho_scale, lasso_scale=lasso_scale, Nbasis=Nbasis, TOL=TOL) iwtcoefs_ortho = self.get_wtcoefs_ortho(iwtcoefs, wtcoefs_ortho) wtcoefs[ind] = iwtcoefs wtcoefs_ortho[ind] = iwtcoefs_ortho rxn_coefs[ind] = irxn_coefs costs[ind] = icost print('icost({ind}) = {icost}'.format(ind=ind,icost=icost)) print('=====') return wtcoefs, costs, rxn_coefs, wtcoefs_ortho chem = _Chem()
[docs]class UnorderedList(collections.UserList): def __eq__(self, other): return sorted(self.data) == sorted(other)