Forsterite - Stixrude

from thermoengine import phases
from thermoengine import model

Create a Python reference to the Forsterite phase in teh Stixrude database.

modelDBStix = model.Database(database='Stixrude')
obj = modelDBStix.get_phase('Fo')

All phases that conform to the Stoichiometric Phase Protocol …

…implement the following functions:

(double)getGibbsFreeEnergyFromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getEnthalpyFromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getEntropyFromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getHeatCapacityFromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getDcpDtFromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getVolumeFromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getDvDtFromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getDvDpFromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getD2vDt2FromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getD2vDtDpFromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;
(double)getD2vDp2FromT:(double)t andP:(double)p;

where t (temperature) is in K, and p (pressure) is in bars. ### In Python, these calls are written:

def formatted_output(title, value, units, decimals, sci_notation=False):
    format_str = "{0:>10s}{1:15."+str(decimals)
    if sci_notation:
        format_str += "e"
        format_str += "f"

    format_str += "} {2:<20s}"

    output = format_str.format(title, value, units)
    return output
t = 2100.0 - 273.15
p = 15000.0

print (formatted_output('G', obj.gibbs_energy(t,p), 'J/mol',2))
print (formatted_output('H', obj.enthalpy(t,p), 'J/mol',2))
print (formatted_output('S', obj.entropy(t,p), 'J/K-mol',2))
print (formatted_output('Cp', obj.heat_capacity(t,p), 'J/K-mol',3))
print (formatted_output("V", obj.volume(t,p), 'J/bar-mol',3))
print (formatted_output("dV/dT", obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dT':1}), 'J/bar-K-mol',6, sci_notation=True))
print (formatted_output("dv/dP", obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dP':1}), 'J/bar^2-mol',6, sci_notation=True))
print (formatted_output("d2V/dT2", obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dT':2}), 'J/bar-K^2-mol',6, sci_notation=True))
print (formatted_output("d2V/dTdP", obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dT':1, 'dP':1}), 'J/bar^2-K-mol',6, sci_notation=True))
print (formatted_output("d2V/dP2", obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dP':2}), 'J/bar^3-mol',6, sci_notation=True))
       G    -2401656.91 J/mol
       H    -1702496.72 J/mol
       S         382.71 J/K-mol
      Cp        187.032 J/K-mol
       V          4.531 J/bar-mol
   dV/dT   1.859698e-04 J/bar-K-mol
   dv/dP  -4.513093e-06 J/bar^2-mol
 d2V/dT2   6.744500e-08 J/bar-K^2-mol
d2V/dTdP  -1.359414e-09 J/bar^2-K-mol
 d2V/dP2   2.734201e-11 J/bar^3-mol
from scipy.misc import derivative
t = 2100.0-273.15
p = 15000.0
def test_h(t,p):
    h_est = obj.gibbs_energy(t,p) + t*obj.entropy(t, p)
    h_act = obj.enthalpy(t, p)
    h_err = (h_est-h_act)*100.0/h_act
    print ("H       {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(h_err, h_est, h_act))
def g(x, doT=True):
    if doT:
        return obj.gibbs_energy(x, p)
        return obj.gibbs_energy(t, x)
def test_g_dt(t,p):
    s_est = -derivative(g, t, args=(True,))
    s_act = obj.entropy(t, p)
    s_err = (s_est-s_act)*100.0/s_act
    print ("S       {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(s_err, s_est, s_act))
def test_g_dp(t,p):
    v_est = derivative(g, p, args=(False,))
    v_act = obj.volume(t, p)
    v_err = (v_est-v_act)*100.0/v_act
    print ("V       {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(v_err, v_est, v_act))
def s(x, doT=True):
    if doT:
        return obj.entropy(x, p)
        return obj.entropy(t, x)
def test_s_dt(t,p):
    cp_est = t*derivative(s, t, args=(True,))
    cp_act = obj.heat_capacity(t, p)
    cp_err = (cp_est-cp_act)*100.0/cp_act
    print ("Cp      {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(cp_err, cp_est, cp_act))
def cp(x, doT=True):
    if doT:
        return obj.heat_capacity(x, p)
        return obj.heat_capacity(t, x)
def test_cp_dt(t,p):
    dcpdt_est = derivative(cp, t, args=(True,))
    dcpdt_act = obj.heat_capacity(t,p, deriv={'dT':1})
    dcpdt_err = (dcpdt_est-dcpdt_act)*100.0/dcpdt_act
    print ("dCpDt   {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(dcpdt_err, dcpdt_est, dcpdt_act))
def v(x, doT=True):
    if doT:
        return obj.volume(x, p)
        return obj.volume(t, x)
def test_v_dt(t,p):
    dvdt_est = derivative(v, t, args=(True,))
    dvdt_act = obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dT':1})
    dvdt_err = (dvdt_est-dvdt_act)*100.0/dvdt_act
    print ("dVdT    {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(dvdt_err, dvdt_est, dvdt_act))
def test_v_dp(t,p):
    dvdp_est = derivative(v, p, args=(False,))
    dvdp_act = obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dP':1})
    dvdp_err = (dvdp_est-dvdp_act)*100.0/dvdp_act
    print ("dVdP    {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(dvdp_err, dvdp_est, dvdp_act))
def dvdt(x, doT=True):
    if doT:
        return obj.volume(x, p, deriv={'dT':1})
        return obj.volume(t, x, deriv={'dT':1})
def dvdp(x, doT=True):
    if doT:
        return obj.volume(x, p, deriv={'dP':1})
        return obj.volume(t, x, deriv={'dP':1})
def test_dvdt_dt(t,p):
    d2vdt2_est = derivative(dvdt, t, args=(True,))
    d2vdt2_act = obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dT':2})
    d2vdt2_err = (d2vdt2_est-d2vdt2_act)*100.0/d2vdt2_act
    print ("d2VdT2  {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(d2vdt2_err, d2vdt2_est, d2vdt2_act))
def test_dvdt_dp(t,p):
    d2vdtdp_est = derivative(dvdt, p, args=(False,))
    d2vdtdp_act = obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dT':1, 'dP':1})
    d2vdtdp_err = (d2vdtdp_est-d2vdtdp_act)*100.0/d2vdtdp_act
    print ("d2VdTdP {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(d2vdtdp_err, d2vdtdp_est, d2vdtdp_act))
def test_dvdp_dt(t,p):
    d2vdtdp_est = derivative(dvdp, t, args=(True,))
    d2vdtdp_act = obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dT':1, 'dP':1})
    d2vdtdp_err = (d2vdtdp_est-d2vdtdp_act)*100.0/d2vdtdp_act
    print ("d2VdTDp {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(d2vdtdp_err, d2vdtdp_est, d2vdtdp_act))
def test_dvdp_dp(t,p):
    d2vdp2_est = derivative(dvdp, p, args=(False,))
    d2vdp2_act = obj.volume(t,p, deriv={'dP':2})
    d2vdp2_err = (d2vdp2_est-d2vdp2_act)*100.0/d2vdp2_act
    print ("d2VdP2  {0:10.6f} % error, est: {1:15.6e} act: {2:15.6e}".format(d2vdp2_err, d2vdp2_est, d2vdp2_act))
H        -0.000000 % error, est:   -1.702497e+06 act:   -1.702497e+06
S        -0.000002 % error, est:    3.827135e+02 act:    3.827135e+02
Cp        0.000009 % error, est:    1.870316e+02 act:    1.870316e+02
dCpDt    -0.052643 % error, est:    1.544871e-02 act:    1.545684e-02
V         0.000000 % error, est:    4.530851e+00 act:    4.530851e+00
dVdT      0.000005 % error, est:    1.859698e-04 act:    1.859698e-04
dVdP     -0.000000 % error, est:   -4.513093e-06 act:   -4.513093e-06
d2VdT2   -0.077181 % error, est:    6.744501e-08 act:    6.749710e-08
d2VdTdP   0.001460 % error, est:   -1.359414e-09 act:   -1.359394e-09
d2VdTDp  -0.077716 % error, est:   -1.359414e-09 act:   -1.360472e-09
d2VdP2    0.001319 % error, est:    2.734201e-11 act:    2.734165e-11
OrderedDict([('abbrev', 'Fo'),
             ('phase_name', 'Forsterite'),
             ('class_name', 'ForsteriteStixrude'),
             ('identifier', 'Objective-C-base'),
             ('endmember_name', array(['Forsterite'], dtype='<U10')),
             ('endmember_ids', [None]),
             ('formula', array(['Mg2SiO4'], dtype='<U7')),
             ('atom_num', array([7.])),
             ('molwt', array([140.6931])),
             ('elemental_entropy', array([494.47])),
              array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 4., 0., 0., 0., 2., 0., 1., 0.,
                      0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
                      0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
                      0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
                      0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
                      0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
                      0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])),
              array([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])),
             ('endmember_id', array([0]))])