Simple Solution SymPy Code Generation

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
from thermoengine import coder
from thermoengine import core

Simple Solution Properties - Structure of the Equations

There are three terms: - Terms describing standard state contributions - Terms describing the configurational entropy of solution - Terms describing the excess enthalpy of solution

Assumptions: - There are \(c\) components in the system - There are as many endmember species, \(s\), as there are components - The configurational entropy is described as a simple \(x_i log(x_i)\) sum - The excess enthalpy is described using an asymmetric regular solution \(\left[ {{W_{ij}} + \Delta {W_{ij}}\left( {{X_i} - {X_j}} \right)} \right]{X_i}{X_j}\), where the \(W_{ij}\) and \(\Delta{W_{ij}}\) are allowed to be first order functions of both \(T\) and \(P\) - Ternary interaction terms are permittted, i.e. \(W_{ijk}\)

Number of solution components

This notebook illustrates a three component solution

c = 3

Create a simple solution model

… with the specified number of endmember thermodynamic components

model = coder.SimpleSolnModel(nc=c)

Retrieve primary compositional variables

  • \(n\) is a vector of mole numbers of each component

  • \(n_T\) is the total number of moles in the solution ### and construct a derived mole fraction variable

  • \(X\) is a vector of mole fractions of components in the system

n = model.n
nT = model.nT
X = n/nT
n, nT, X
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left( \left[\begin{matrix}n_{1}\\n_{2}\\n_{3}\end{matrix}\right], \ n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}, \ \left[\begin{matrix}\frac{n_{1}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\\\frac{n_{2}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\\\frac{n_{3}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\end{matrix}\right]\right)\end{split}\]

Retrieve the temperature, pressure, and standard state chemical potentials

  • \(T\) is temperature in \(K\)

  • \(P\) is pressure in \(bars\)

  • \(\mu\) in Joules

T = model.get_symbol_for_t()
P = model.get_symbol_for_p()
mu = model.mu
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \left( T, \ P, \ \left[\begin{matrix}\mu_{1}{\left(T,P \right)}\\\mu_{2}{\left(T,P \right)}\\\mu_{3}{\left(T,P \right)}\end{matrix}\right]\right)\end{split}\]

Define the standard state contribution to solution properties

G_ss = (n.transpose()*mu)[0]
\[\displaystyle n_{1} \mu_{1}{\left(T,P \right)} + n_{2} \mu_{2}{\left(T,P \right)} + n_{3} \mu_{3}{\left(T,P \right)}\]

Define configurational entropy and configurational Gibbs free energy

S_config,R = sym.symbols('S_config R')
S_config = 0
for i in range(0,c):
    S_config += X[i]*sym.log(X[i])
S_config *= -R*nT
\[\displaystyle - R \left(n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}\right) \left(\frac{n_{1} \log{\left(\frac{n_{1}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} \right)}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} + \frac{n_{2} \log{\left(\frac{n_{2}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} \right)}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} + \frac{n_{3} \log{\left(\frac{n_{3}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} \right)}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\right)\]
G_config = sym.simplify(-T*S_config)
\[\displaystyle R T \left(n_{1} \log{\left(\frac{n_{1}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} \right)} + n_{2} \log{\left(\frac{n_{2}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} \right)} + n_{3} \log{\left(\frac{n_{3}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} \right)}\right)\]

Parameterize the excess free energy

  • Symmetric terms: \(W_{ij} = Wh_{ij} - T Ws_{ij} + P Wv_{ij}\), where \(Wh_{ij}\) is the excess enthalpy along the \(i\)-\(j\) binary, \(Ws_{ij}\) is the excess entropy, and \(Wv_{ij}\) is the excess volume

  • Asymetric terms: \(\Delta W_{ij} = \Delta Wh_{ij} - T \Delta Ws_{ij} + P \Delta Wv_{ij}\)

  • Convention: \(\left[ {{W_{ij}} + \Delta {W_{ij}}\left( {{X_i} - {X_j}} \right)} \right]{X_i}{X_j} = \left( {{W_{ij}} + \Delta {W_{ij}}} \right)X_i^2{X_j} + \left( {{W_{ij}} - \Delta {W_{ij}}} \right){X_i}X_j^2 = {W_{iij}}X_i^2{X_j} + {W_{ijj}}{X_i}X_j^2\)

  • Strictly ternary terms: \(W_{ijk}X_iX_jX_k\), where \(i {\ne} j {\ne} k\)

module = 'asymm_regular'
params = []
units = []
symparam = ()
G_excess = sym.symbols('G_excess')
G_excess = 0
for i in range(1,c):
    for j in range(i+1,c+1):
        param = 'Wh' + str(i) + str(j); params.append(param); units.append('J/m')
        h_term = sym.symbols(param); symparam += (h_term,)
        param = 'Ws' + str(i) + str(j); params.append(param); units.append('J/K-m')
        s_term = sym.symbols(param); symparam += (s_term,)
        param = 'Wv' + str(i) + str(j); params.append(param); units.append('J/bar-m')
        v_term = sym.symbols(param); symparam += (v_term,)
        param = 'dWh' + str(i) + str(j); params.append(param); units.append('J/m')
        dh_term = sym.symbols(param); symparam += (dh_term,)
        param = 'dWs' + str(i) + str(j); params.append(param); units.append('J/K-m')
        ds_term = sym.symbols(param); symparam += (ds_term,)
        param = 'dWv' + str(i) + str(j); params.append(param); units.append('J/bar-m')
        dv_term = sym.symbols(param); symparam += (dv_term,)
        w_term = h_term - T*s_term + P*v_term
        dw_term = dh_term - T*ds_term + P*dv_term
        G_excess += (w_term + dw_term*(n[i-1]-n[j-1])/nT)*n[i-1]*n[j-1]
G_excess /= nT
for i in range(1,c-1):
    for j in range(i+1,c):
        for k in range(j+1,c+1):
            param = 'Wh' + str(i) + str(j) + str(k); params.append(param); units.append('J/m')
            h_term = sym.symbols(param); symparam += (h_term,)
            param = 'Ws' + str(i) + str(j) + str(k); params.append(param); units.append('J/K-m')
            s_term = sym.symbols(param); symparam += (s_term,)
            param = 'Wv' + str(i) + str(j) + str(k); params.append(param); units.append('J/bar-m')
            v_term = sym.symbols(param); symparam += (v_term,)
            G_excess += (h_term - T*s_term + P*v_term)*n[i-1]*n[j-1]*n[k-1]/nT/nT
\[\displaystyle \frac{n_{1} n_{2} n_{3} \left(P Wv_{123} - T Ws_{123} + Wh_{123}\right)}{\left(n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}\right)^{2}} + \frac{n_{1} n_{2} \left(P Wv_{12} - T Ws_{12} + Wh_{12} + \frac{\left(n_{1} - n_{2}\right) \left(P dWv_{12} - T dWs_{12} + dWh_{12}\right)}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\right) + n_{1} n_{3} \left(P Wv_{13} - T Ws_{13} + Wh_{13} + \frac{\left(n_{1} - n_{3}\right) \left(P dWv_{13} - T dWs_{13} + dWh_{13}\right)}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\right) + n_{2} n_{3} \left(P Wv_{23} - T Ws_{23} + Wh_{23} + \frac{\left(n_{2} - n_{3}\right) \left(P dWv_{23} - T dWs_{23} + dWh_{23}\right)}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\right)}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\]
['Wh12', 'Ws12', 'Wv12', 'dWh12', 'dWs12', 'dWv12', 'Wh13', 'Ws13', 'Wv13', 'dWh13', 'dWs13', 'dWv13', 'Wh23', 'Ws23', 'Wv23', 'dWh23', 'dWs23', 'dWv23', 'Wh123', 'Ws123', 'Wv123']
['J/m', 'J/K-m', 'J/bar-m', 'J/m', 'J/K-m', 'J/bar-m', 'J/m', 'J/K-m', 'J/bar-m', 'J/m', 'J/K-m', 'J/bar-m', 'J/m', 'J/K-m', 'J/bar-m', 'J/m', 'J/K-m', 'J/bar-m', 'J/m', 'J/K-m', 'J/bar-m']

Define the Gibbs free energy of solution

G = G_ss + G_config + G_excess
\[\displaystyle R T \left(n_{1} \log{\left(\frac{n_{1}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} \right)} + n_{2} \log{\left(\frac{n_{2}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} \right)} + n_{3} \log{\left(\frac{n_{3}}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}} \right)}\right) + \frac{n_{1} n_{2} n_{3} \left(P Wv_{123} - T Ws_{123} + Wh_{123}\right)}{\left(n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}\right)^{2}} + n_{1} \mu_{1}{\left(T,P \right)} + n_{2} \mu_{2}{\left(T,P \right)} + n_{3} \mu_{3}{\left(T,P \right)} + \frac{n_{1} n_{2} \left(P Wv_{12} - T Ws_{12} + Wh_{12} + \frac{\left(n_{1} - n_{2}\right) \left(P dWv_{12} - T dWs_{12} + dWh_{12}\right)}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\right) + n_{1} n_{3} \left(P Wv_{13} - T Ws_{13} + Wh_{13} + \frac{\left(n_{1} - n_{3}\right) \left(P dWv_{13} - T dWs_{13} + dWh_{13}\right)}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\right) + n_{2} n_{3} \left(P Wv_{23} - T Ws_{23} + Wh_{23} + \frac{\left(n_{2} - n_{3}\right) \left(P dWv_{23} - T dWs_{23} + dWh_{23}\right)}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\right)}{n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3}}\]

Add the Gibbs free energy of solution to the model

model.add_expression_to_model(G, list(zip(params, units, symparam)))

… give the model a unqiue name

model.module = "Simple_Solution"
… assign a formula string for code generation
… assign a conversion string to map element concentrations to moles of end members
model.formula_string = 'Ca[Ca]Na[Na]K[K]Al[Al]Si[Si]O8'
model.conversion_string = ['[0]=[Na]', '[1]=[Ca]', '[2]=[K]']
model.test_string = ['[0] > 0.0', '[1] > 0.0', '[2] > 0.0']

Define Parameters of a Feldspar Solution

Components 1. albite, \({\rm{NaAlSi_3O_8}}\) 2. anorthite, \({\rm{CaAl_2Si_2O_8}}\) 3. sanidine, \({\rm{KAlSi_3O_8}}\)

Original calibration from the Elkins-Grove paper using their notation:

whabor   = 18810.0;  /* joules     */
wsabor   = 10.3;     /* joules/K   */
wvabor   = 0.4602;   /* joules/bar */
whorab   = 27320.0;  /* joules     */
wsorab   = 10.3;     /* joules/K   */
wvorab   = 0.3264;   /* joules/bar */
whaban   = 7924.0;   /* joules     */
whanab   = 0.0;      /* joules     */
whoran   = 40317.0;  /* joules     */
whanor   = 38974.0;  /* joules     */
wvanor   = -0.1037;  /* joules/bar */
whabanor = 12545.0;  /* joules     */
wvabanor = -1.095;   /* joules/bar */
Note that in the notation derveloped in this paper, \(\left[ {{W_{ij}} + \Delta {W_{ij}}\left( {{X_i} - {X_j}} \right)} \right]{X_i}{X_j}\), is related to the convention used in the original paper: \({{\tilde W}_{13}}{X_1}{X_3}\left( {{X_3} + \frac{{{X_2}}}{2}} \right) + {{\tilde W}_{31}}{X_1}{X_3}\left( {{X_1} + \frac{{{X_2}}}{2}} \right)\):
- \({W_{13}} = {{\tilde W}_{13}} + {{\tilde W}_{31}}\) - \(d{W_{13}} = {{\tilde W}_{31}} - {{\tilde W}_{13}}\)
print (params)
whabor   = 18810.0
wsabor   = 10.3
wvabor   = 0.4602
whorab   = 27320.0
wsorab   = 10.3
wvorab   = 0.3264
whaban   = 7924.0
whanab   = 0.0
whoran   = 40317.0
whanor   = 38974.0
wvanor   = -0.1037
wvoran   = 0.0
whabanor = 12545.0
wvabanor = -1.095
paramValues = { 'Wh12':whaban+whanab,  'Ws12':0.0,            'Wv12':0.0, \
                'Wh13':whabor+whorab,  'Ws13':wsabor+wsorab,  'Wv13':wvabor+wvorab, \
                'Wh23':whanor+whoran,  'Ws23':0.0,            'Wv23':wvanor+wvoran, \
                'dWh12':whanab-whaban, 'dWs12':0.0,           'dWv12':0.0, \
                'dWh13':whorab-whabor, 'dWs13':wsorab-wsabor, 'dWv13':wvorab-wvabor, \
                'dWh23':whoran-whanor, 'dWs23':0.0,           'dWv23':wvoran-wvanor,
                'Wh123':whabanor, 'Ws123':0.0, 'Wv123':wvabanor, 'T_r':298.15, 'P_r':1.0}
print (paramValues)
['Wh12', 'Ws12', 'Wv12', 'dWh12', 'dWs12', 'dWv12', 'Wh13', 'Ws13', 'Wv13', 'dWh13', 'dWs13', 'dWv13', 'Wh23', 'Ws23', 'Wv23', 'dWh23', 'dWs23', 'dWv23', 'Wh123', 'Ws123', 'Wv123']
{'Wh12': 7924.0, 'Ws12': 0.0, 'Wv12': 0.0, 'Wh13': 46130.0, 'Ws13': 20.6, 'Wv13': 0.7866, 'Wh23': 79291.0, 'Ws23': 0.0, 'Wv23': -0.1037, 'dWh12': -7924.0, 'dWs12': 0.0, 'dWv12': 0.0, 'dWh13': 8510.0, 'dWs13': 0.0, 'dWv13': -0.13379999999999997, 'dWh23': 1343.0, 'dWs23': 0.0, 'dWv23': 0.1037, 'Wh123': 12545.0, 'Ws123': 0.0, 'Wv123': -1.095, 'T_r': 298.15, 'P_r': 1.0}

Generate both fast computation and calibibration code for the feldspar solution

Use code printers to construct “C” package code

model_working_dir = "working"
!mkdir -p {model_working_dir}
%cd {model_working_dir}

Choose model type and create model

model_type is “fast” or “calib”

model_type = "calib"
model.create_code_module(phase="Feldspar", params=paramValues,
                         endmembers=['High_Albite_berman', 'Anorthite_berman', 'Potassium_Feldspar_berman'],
                         prefix="cy", module_type=model_type, silent=False)
Creating generic fast model code file string
Writing include file to working directory ...
Creating (once only) generic model calib codetemplate include file string
Creating (once only) generic model calib codetemplate code file string
Creating generic calib model code file string
Writing include file to working directory ...
Creating code blocks for standard state properties.
Creating calib code and include files ...
Writing include file to working directory ...
Writing code file to working directory ...
... done
Writing pyxbld file to working directory ...
writing pyx file to working directory ...
Compiling code and Python bindings ...
Success! Import the module named  Simple_Solution

Update cython wrappers generated in Example #1 notebook to substitute the berman module name with that of teh solution

with open('endmembers.pyx', 'r') as f:
    contents = f.read()
contents = contents.replace('def cy_High_Albite_berman_', 'def cy_High_Albite_Simple_Solution_')
contents = contents.replace('def cy_Anorthite_berman_', 'def cy_Anorthite_Simple_Solution_')
contents = contents.replace('def cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_', 'def cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_')
with open('endmembers.pyx', 'w') as f:

Concatenate the ./working/endmembers.pyx file, which was generated by running the Example #1 notebook, to the end of the Simple_Solution.pyx file. This will allow cython wrappers that expose endmember properties to be visible in the resulting module.

%cat endmembers.pyx >> Simple_Solution.pyx

Load the module

import Simple_Solution
%cd ..
/Users/ghiorso/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Cython/Compiler/Main.py:369: FutureWarning: Cython directive 'language_level' not set, using 2 for now (Py2). This will change in a later release! File: /Users/ghiorso/Documents/ARCHIVE_XCODE/ThermoEngine/Notebooks/Codegen/working/Simple_Solution.pyx
  tree = Parsing.p_module(s, pxd, full_module_name)

Test and time the generated functions for Feldspar (T in K, P in bars)

t = 2000.00
p = 1.0
n = np.array([1.1, 1.2, 1.3])

Available in both “Fast” and “Calib” code versions

Execute the “fast” or “calibration” code metadata retrieval functions:

except AttributeError:
except AttributeError:
Wed Sep 23 09:57:14 2020

Test intrinsic element conversion routine …

    e = np.zeros(106)
    sum = np.sum(n)
    for index in range(0,c):
        end = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_elements(index)
        for i in range(0,106):
            e[i] += end[i]*n[index]/sum
    nConv = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_conv_elm_to_moles(e)
    for i in range(0,c):
        print ('X[{0:d}] input {1:13.6e}, calc {2:13.6e}, diff {3:13.6e}'.format(
        i, n[i]/sum, nConv[i], nConv[i]-n[i]/sum))
    if not Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_test_moles(nConv):
        print ('Output of intrinsic composition calculation fails tests for permissible values.')
except AttributeError:
    e = np.zeros(106)
    sum = np.sum(n)
    for index in range(0,c):
        end = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_elements(index)
        for i in range(0,106):
            e[i] += end[i]*n[index]/sum
    nConv = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_conv_elm_to_moles(e)
    for i in range(0,c):
        print ('X[{0:d}] input {1:13.6e}, calc {2:13.6e}, diff {3:13.6e}'.format(
        i, n[i]/sum, nConv[i], nConv[i]-n[i]/sum))
    if not Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_test_moles(nConv):
        print ('Output of intrinsic composition calculation fails tests for permissible values.')
except AttributeError:
X[0] input  3.055556e-01, calc  3.055556e-01, diff  0.000000e+00
X[1] input  3.333333e-01, calc  3.333333e-01, diff  0.000000e+00
X[2] input  3.611111e-01, calc  3.611111e-01, diff  0.000000e+00

Test various conversion routines …

    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_conv_moles_to_tot_moles(n))
    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_conv_moles_to_mole_frac(n))
    e = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_conv_moles_to_elm(n)
    print (e)
    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_conv_elm_to_moles(e))
    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_conv_elm_to_tot_moles(e))
    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_conv_elm_to_tot_grams(e))
except AttributeError:
    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_conv_moles_to_tot_moles(n))
    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_conv_moles_to_mole_frac(n))
    e = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_conv_moles_to_elm(n)
    print (e)
    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_conv_elm_to_moles(e))
    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_conv_elm_to_tot_moles(e))
    print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_conv_elm_to_tot_grams(e))
except AttributeError:
[0.30555556 0.33333333 0.36111111]
[ 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.  28.8  0.   0.   1.1  0.   4.8
  9.6  0.   0.   0.   0.   1.3  1.2  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.
  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.
  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.
  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.
  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.
  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.
  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0. ]
[1.1 1.2 1.3]

Execute the standard thermodynamic property retrieval functions:

fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:<10.10s}"
    print(fmt.format('G', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_g(t,p,n), 'J'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dgdt(t,p,n), 'J/K'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dgdp(t,p,n), 'J/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d2gdt2(t,p,n), 'J/K^2'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d2gdtdp(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d2gdp2(t,p,n), 'J/bar^2'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdt3(t,p,n), 'J/K^3'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdt2dp(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-bar'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdtdp2(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar^2'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdp3(t,p,n), 'J/bar^3'))
    print(fmt.format('S', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_s(t,p,n), 'J/K'))
    print(fmt.format('V', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_v(t,p,n), 'J/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('Cv', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_cv(t,p,n), 'J/K'))
    print(fmt.format('Cp', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_cp(t,p,n), 'J/K'))
    print(fmt.format('dCpdT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dcpdt(t,p,n), 'J/K^2'))
    print(fmt.format('alpha', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_alpha(t,p,n), '1/K'))
    print(fmt.format('beta', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_beta(t,p,n), '1/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('K', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_K(t,p,n), 'bar'))
    print(fmt.format('Kp', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_Kp(t,p,n), ''))
except AttributeError:
    print(fmt.format('G', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_g(t,p,n), 'J'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_dgdt(t,p,n), 'J/K'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_dgdp(t,p,n), 'J/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d2gdt2(t,p,n), 'J/K^2'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d2gdtdp(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d2gdp2(t,p,n), 'J/bar^2'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdt3(t,p,n), 'J/K^3'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdt2dp(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-bar'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdtdp2(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar^2'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdp3(t,p,n), 'J/bar^3'))
    print(fmt.format('S', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_s(t,p,n), 'J/K'))
    print(fmt.format('V', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_v(t,p,n), 'J/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('Cv', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_cv(t,p,n), 'J/K'))
    print(fmt.format('Cp', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_cp(t,p,n), 'J/K'))
    print(fmt.format('dCpdT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_dcpdt(t,p,n), 'J/K^2'))
    print(fmt.format('alpha', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_alpha(t,p,n), '1/K'))
    print(fmt.format('beta', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_beta(t,p,n), '1/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('K', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_K(t,p,n), 'bar'))
    print(fmt.format('Kp', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_Kp(t,p,n), ''))
except AttributeError:
G          -1.820234e+07 J
dGdT       -2.816363e+03 J/K
dGdP        3.900096e+01 J/bar
d2GdT2     -6.171534e-01 J/K^2
d2GdTdP     1.205471e-03 J/K-bar
d2GdP2     -6.244961e-05 J/bar^2
d3GdT3      2.788296e-04 J/K^3
d3GdT2dP    3.279670e-07 J/K^2-bar
d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00 J/K-bar^2
d3GdP3      0.000000e+00 J/bar^3
S           2.816363e+03 J/K
V           3.900096e+01 J/bar
Cv          1.187768e+03 J/K
Cp          1.234307e+03 J/K
dCpdT       5.949430e-02 J/K^2
alpha       3.090875e-05 1/K
beta        1.601233e-06 1/bar
K           6.245189e+05 bar
Kp         -1.000000e+00

Execute functions that access endmember properties:

fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:<15.15s}"
    print ("number of components", Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_number())
    for index in range(0, c):
        print ("{0:<20.20s}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_name(index)), end=' ')
        print ("{0:<20.20s}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_formula(index)))
        print ("mw: {0:10.2f}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_mw(index)))
        print (fmt.format('mu0', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_mu0(index,t,p), 'J/mol'))
        print (fmt.format('dmu0dT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_dmu0dT(index,t,p), 'J/K-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('dmu0dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_dmu0dP(index,t,p), 'J/bar-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d2mu0dT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_d2mu0dT2(index,t,p), 'J/K^2-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d2mu0dTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_d2mu0dTdP(index,t,p), 'J/K-bar-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d2mu0dP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_d2mu0dP2(index,t,p), 'J/bar^2-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d3mu0dT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_d3mu0dT3(index,t,p), 'J/K^3-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d3mu0dT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_d3mu0dT2dP(index,t,p), 'J/K^2-bar-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d3mu0dTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_d3mu0dTdP2(index,t,p), 'J/K-bar^2-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d3mu0dP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_d3mu0dP3(index,t,p), 'J/bar^3-mol'))
        print ("Element array:")
        print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_endmember_elements(index))
        print ()
except AttributeError:
    print ("number of components", Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_number())
    for index in range(0, c):
        print ("{0:<20.20s}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_name(index)), end=' ')
        print ("{0:<20.20s}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_formula(index)), end=' ')
        print ("mw: {0:10.2f}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_mw(index)))
        print (fmt.format('mu0', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_mu0(index,t,p), 'J/mol'))
        print (fmt.format('dmu0dT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_dmu0dT(index,t,p), 'J/K-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('dmu0dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_dmu0dP(index,t,p), 'J/bar-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d2mu0dT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_d2mu0dT2(index,t,p), 'J/K^2-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d2mu0dTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_d2mu0dTdP(index,t,p), 'J/K-bar-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d2mu0dP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_d2mu0dP2(index,t,p), 'J/bar^2-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d3mu0dT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_d3mu0dT3(index,t,p), 'J/K^3-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d3mu0dT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_d3mu0dT2dP(index,t,p), 'J/K^2-bar-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d3mu0dTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_d3mu0dTdP2(index,t,p), 'J/K-bar^2-mol'))
        print (fmt.format('d3mu0dP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_d3mu0dP3(index,t,p), 'J/bar^3-mol'))
        print ("Element array:")
        print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_endmember_elements(index))
        print ()
except AttributeError:
number of components 3
High_Albite          NaAlSi3O8            mw:     262.22
mu0        -4.944732e+06 J/mol
dmu0dT     -7.718763e+02 J/K-mol
dmu0dP      1.062788e+01 J/bar-mol
d2mu0dT2   -1.688921e-01 J/K^2-mol
d2mu0dTdP   3.750779e-04 J/K-bar-mol
d2mu0dP2   -1.960841e-05 J/bar^2-mol
d3mu0dT3    7.680829e-05 J/K^3-mol
d3mu0dT2dP  6.453120e-08 J/K^2-bar-mol
d3mu0dTdP2  0.000000e+00 J/K-bar^2-mol
d3mu0dP3    0.000000e+00 J/bar^3-mol
Element array:
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Anorthite            Al2CaSi2O8           mw:     278.21
mu0        -5.221659e+06 J/mol
dmu0dT     -7.669445e+02 J/K-mol
dmu0dP      1.038476e+01 J/bar-mol
d2mu0dT2   -1.779158e-01 J/K^2-mol
d2mu0dTdP   2.540274e-04 J/K-bar-mol
d2mu0dP2   -1.281943e-05 J/bar^2-mol
d3mu0dT3    7.849093e-05 J/K^3-mol
d3mu0dT2dP  8.463000e-08 J/K^2-bar-mol
d3mu0dTdP2  0.000000e+00 J/K-bar^2-mol
d3mu0dP3    0.000000e+00 J/bar^3-mol
Element array:
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Potassium_Feldspar   KAlSi3O8             mw:     278.34
mu0        -4.978674e+06 J/mol
dmu0dT     -7.738228e+02 J/K-mol
dmu0dP      1.132642e+01 J/bar-mol
d2mu0dT2   -1.675947e-01 J/K^2-mol
d2mu0dTdP   3.754248e-04 J/K-bar-mol
d2mu0dP2   -1.961311e-05 J/bar^2-mol
d3mu0dT3    7.703949e-05 J/K^3-mol
d3mu0dT2dP  1.195590e-07 J/K^2-bar-mol
d3mu0dTdP2  0.000000e+00 J/K-bar^2-mol
d3mu0dP3    0.000000e+00 J/bar^3-mol
Element array:
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Execute functions that access species properties:

fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:<15.15s}"
    print ("number of species", Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_species_number())
    for index in range(0, c):
        print ("{0:<20.20s}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_species_name(index)), end=' ')
        print ("{0:<20.20s}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_species_formula(index)))
        print ("mw: {0:10.2f}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_species_mw(index)))
        print ("Element array:")
        print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_species_elements(index))
        print ()
except AttributeError:
    print ("number of species", Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_species_number())
    for index in range(0, c):
        print ("{0:<20.20s}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_species_name(index)), end=' ')
        print ("{0:<20.20s}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_species_formula(index)), end=' ')
        print ("mw: {0:10.2f}".format(Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_species_mw(index)))
        print ("Element array:")
        print (Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_species_elements(index))
        print ()
except AttributeError:
number of species 3
High_Albite          NaAlSi3O8            mw:     262.22
Element array:
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Anorthite            Al2CaSi2O8           mw:     278.21
Element array:
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Potassium_Feldspar   KAlSi3O8             mw:     278.34
Element array:
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Execute functions for molar derivatives

First derivative vectors:

def printResult(name, result, units):
    print ("{0:<10.10s}".format(name), end=' ')
    [print ("{0:13.6e}".format(x), end=' ') for x in result]
    print ("{0:<10.10s}".format(units))
def printLabels(n):
    print ("{0:<18.18s}".format(''), end=' ')
    [print ("[{0:3d}]{1:<8.8s}".format(idx, ''), end=' ') for idx in range(len(n))]
    print ()
    printResult('dGdn', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dgdn(t,p,n), 'J/m')
    printResult('d2GdndT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d2gdndt(t,p,n), 'J/K-m')
    printResult('d2GdndP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d2gdndp(t,p,n), 'J/bar-m')
    printResult('d3GdndT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdndt2(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-m')
    printResult('d3GdndTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdndtdp(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar-m')
    printResult('d3GdndP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdndp2(t,p,n), 'J/bar^2-m')
    printResult('d4GdndT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d4gdndt3(t,p,n), 'J/K^3-m')
    printResult('d4GdndT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d4gdndt2dp(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-bar-m')
    printResult('d4GdndTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d4gdndtdp2(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar^2-m')
    printResult('d4GdndP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d4gdndp3(t,p,n), 'J/bar^3-m')
except AttributeError:
    printResult('dGdn', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_dgdn(t,p,n), 'J/m')
    printResult('d2GdndT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d2gdndt(t,p,n), 'J/K-m')
    printResult('d2GdndP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d2gdndp(t,p,n), 'J/bar-m')
    printResult('d3GdndT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdndt2(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-m')
    printResult('d3GdndTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdndtdp(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar-m')
    printResult('d3GdndP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdndp2(t,p,n), 'J/bar^2-m')
    printResult('d4GdndT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d4gdndt3(t,p,n), 'J/K^3-m')
    printResult('d4GdndT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d4gdndt2dp(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-bar-m')
    printResult('d4GdndTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d4gdndtdp2(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar^2-m')
    printResult('d4GdndP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d4gdndp3(t,p,n), 'J/bar^3-m')
except AttributeError:
                   [  0]         [  1]         [  2]
dGdn       -4.970230e+06 -5.218217e+06 -4.979404e+06 J/m
d2GdndT    -7.868998e+02 -7.738057e+02 -7.863130e+02 J/K-m
d2GdndP     1.077333e+01  1.024322e+01  1.142956e+01 J/bar-m
d3GdndT2   -1.688921e-01 -1.779158e-01 -1.675947e-01 J/K^2-m
d3GdndTdP   3.750779e-04  2.540274e-04  3.754248e-04 J/K-bar-m
d3GdndP2   -1.960841e-05 -1.281943e-05 -1.961311e-05 J/bar^2-m
d4GdndT3    7.680829e-05  7.849093e-05  7.703949e-05 J/K^3-m
d4GdndT2dP  6.453120e-08  8.463000e-08  1.195590e-07 J/K^2-bar-
d4GdndTdP2  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-bar^2-
d4GdndP3    0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/bar^3-m

The Hessian matrix (molar second derivative matrix) is stored as a compact linear array

A function is provided to map matrix indices to compact storage 1-D array indices

for i in range(1,c+1):
    print ("[ ", end=' ')
    for j in range (1,c+1):
        print ((i,j), end=' ')
    print (']     [', end=' ')
    for j in range (1,c+1):
        print (model.symmetric_index_from_2d_array(elm=(i,j)), end=' ')
    print (']')
[  (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) ]     [ 0 1 2 ]
[  (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) ]     [ 1 3 4 ]
[  (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) ]     [ 2 4 5 ]
def printResult(name, result, units):
    print ("{0:<10.10s}".format(name), end=' ')
    [print ("{0:13.6e}".format(x), end=' ') for x in result]
    print ("{0:<10.10s}".format(units))
def printLabels(n):
    print ("{0:<18.18s}".format(''), end=' ')
    maxIdx = int(len(n)*(len(n)-1)/2 + len(n))
    [print ("[{0:3d}]{1:<8.8s}".format(idx, ''), end=' ') for idx in range(maxIdx)]
    print ()
    printResult('d2Gdn2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d2gdn2(t,p,n), 'J/m^2')
    printResult('d3Gdn2dT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdn2dt(t,p,n), 'J/K-m^2')
    printResult('d3Gdn2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdn2dp(t,p,n), 'J/bar-m^2')
    printResult('d4Gdn2dT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d4gdn2dt2(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-m^2')
    printResult('d4Gdn2dTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d4gdn2dtdp(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar-m^2')
    printResult('d4Gdn2dP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d4gdn2dp2(t,p,n), 'J/bar^2-m^2')
    printResult('d5Gdn2dT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d5gdn2dt3(t,p,n), 'J/K^3-m^2')
    printResult('d5Gdn2dT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d5gdn2dt2dp(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-bar-m^2')
    printResult('d5Gdn2dTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d5gdn2dtdp2(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar^2-m^2')
    printResult('d5Gdn2dP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d5gdn2dp3(t,p,n), 'J/bar^3-m^2')
except AttributeError:
    printResult('d2Gdn2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d2gdn2(t,p,n), 'J/m^2')
    printResult('d3Gdn2dT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdn2dt(t,p,n), 'J/K-m^2')
    printResult('d3Gdn2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdn2dp(t,p,n), 'J/bar-m^2')
    printResult('d4Gdn2dT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d4gdn2dt2(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-m^2')
    printResult('d4Gdn2dTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d4gdn2dtdp(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar-m^2')
    printResult('d4Gdn2dP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d4gdn2dp2(t,p,n), 'J/bar^2-m^2')
    printResult('d5Gdn2dT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d5gdn2dt3(t,p,n), 'J/K^3-m^2')
    printResult('d5Gdn2dT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d5gdn2dt2dp(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-bar-m^2')
    printResult('d5Gdn2dTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d5gdn2dtdp2(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar^2-m^2')
    printResult('d5Gdn2dP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d5gdn2dp3(t,p,n), 'J/bar^3-m^2')
except AttributeError:
                   [  0]         [  1]         [  2]         [  3]         [  4]         [  5]
d2Gdn2      1.332988e+04 -6.321989e+03 -5.443443e+03 -2.308700e+03  7.480484e+03 -2.299072e+03 J/m^2
d3Gdn2dT    8.118868e+00 -1.505944e+00 -5.479710e+00  3.356281e+00 -1.823845e+00  6.320227e+00 J/K-m^2
d3Gdn2dP   -4.982665e-02 -6.268677e-02  1.000257e-01  1.380904e-01 -7.442545e-02 -1.593673e-02 J/bar-m^2
d4Gdn2dT2   0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K^2-m^2
d4Gdn2dTdP  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-bar-m^
d4Gdn2dP2   0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/bar^2-m^
d5Gdn2dT3   0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K^3-m^2
d5Gdn2dT2d  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K^2-bar-
d5Gdn2dTdP  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-bar^2-
d5Gdn2dP3   0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/bar^3-m^

The 3-D Tensor (molar third derivative tensor) is stored as a compact linear array

A function is provided to map matrix indices to compact storage 1-D array indices:
If \(n_c\) represents the number of components in the solution, and
if \(n_d\) represents the dimensionality of molar derivative (in this case 3), then
the number of numerically ordered permutations of \(n_c\) molar derivatives taken \(n_d\) at a time is:
n_c,n_d = sym.symbols('n_c n_d')
q = sym.factorial(n_c+n_d-1)/sym.factorial(n_d)/sym.factorial(n_c-1)
\[\displaystyle \frac{\left(n_{c} + n_{d} - 1\right)!}{n_{d}! \left(n_{c} - 1\right)!}\]

Substituting \(n_d\) equal to 3 and simplifying gives:

q = sym.simplify(q.subs(n_d,3))
\[\displaystyle \frac{n_{c} \left(n_{c} + 1\right) \left(n_{c} + 2\right)}{6}\]

and, for the number of components in this solution, there will be the following number of unique terms in the third derivative tensor:

\[\displaystyle 10\]

A function is provided to map matrix indices to compact storage 1-D array indices

for i in range(1,c+1):
    for j in range (1,c+1):
        print ("[", end=' ')
        for k in range (1,c+1):
            print ("{0:1d}{1:1d}{2:1d}".format(i,j,k), end=' ')
        print ('] ', end=' ')
    print ('  ->  ', end=' ')
    for j in range (1,c+1):
        print ("[", end=' ')
        for k in range (1,c+1):
            print (model.symmetric_index_from_3d_array(elm=(i,j,k)), end=' ')
        print ('] ', end=' ')
    print ('')
[ 111 112 113 ]  [ 121 122 123 ]  [ 131 132 133 ]    ->   [ 0 1 2 ]  [ 1 3 4 ]  [ 2 4 5 ]
[ 211 212 213 ]  [ 221 222 223 ]  [ 231 232 233 ]    ->   [ 1 3 4 ]  [ 3 6 7 ]  [ 4 7 8 ]
[ 311 312 313 ]  [ 321 322 323 ]  [ 331 332 333 ]    ->   [ 2 4 5 ]  [ 4 7 8 ]  [ 5 8 9 ]
def printResult(name, result, units):
    print ("{0:<10.10s}".format(name), end=' ')
    [print ("{0:10.3e}".format(x), end=' ') for x in result]
    print ("{0:<14.14s}".format(units))
def printLabels(n):
    print ("{0:<15.15s}".format(''), end=' ')
    maxIdx = int(len(n)*(len(n)+1)*(len(n)+2)/6)
    [print ("[{0:3d}]{1:<5.5s}".format(idx, ''), end=' ') for idx in range(maxIdx)]
    print ()
    printResult('d3Gdn3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d3gdn3(t,p,n), 'J/m^3')
    printResult('d4Gdn3dT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d4gdn3dt(t,p,n), 'J/K-m^3')
    printResult('d4Gdn3dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d4gdn3dp(t,p,n), 'J/bar-m^3')
    printResult('d5Gdn3dT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d5gdn3dt2(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-m^3')
    printResult('d5Gdn3dTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d5gdn3dtdp(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar-m^3')
    printResult('d5Gdn3dP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d5gdn3dp2(t,p,n), 'J/bar^2-m^3')
    printResult('d6Gdn3dT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d6gdn3dt3(t,p,n), 'J/K^3-m^3')
    printResult('d6Gdn3dT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d6gdn3dt2dp(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-bar-m^3')
    printResult('d6Gdn3dTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d6gdn3dtdp2(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar^2-m^3')
    printResult('d6Gdn3dP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_d6gdn3dp3(t,p,n), 'J/bar^3-m^3')
except AttributeError:
    printResult('d3Gdn3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d3gdn3(t,p,n), 'J/m^3')
    printResult('d4Gdn3dT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d4gdn3dt(t,p,n), 'J/K-m^3')
    printResult('d4Gdn3dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d4gdn3dp(t,p,n), 'J/bar-m^3')
    printResult('d5Gdn3dT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d5gdn3dt2(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-m^3')
    printResult('d5Gdn3dTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d5gdn3dtdp(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar-m^3')
    printResult('d5Gdn3dP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d5gdn3dp2(t,p,n), 'J/bar^2-m^3')
    printResult('d6Gdn3dT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d6gdn3dt3(t,p,n), 'J/K^3-m^3')
    printResult('d6Gdn3dT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d6gdn3dt2dp(t,p,n), 'J/K^2-bar-m^3')
    printResult('d6Gdn3dTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d6gdn3dtdp2(t,p,n), 'J/K-bar^2-m^3')
    printResult('d6Gdn3dP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_d6gdn3dp3(t,p,n), 'J/bar^3-m^3')
except AttributeError:
                [  0]      [  1]      [  2]      [  3]      [  4]      [  5]      [  6]      [  7]      [  8]      [  9]
d3Gdn3     -1.450e+04  3.638e+01  1.984e+03  6.227e+03 -9.160e+02  3.354e+03 -1.071e+03 -2.505e+03 -2.667e+03  1.392e+03 J/m^3
d4Gdn3dT   -8.621e+00 -6.021e-01  1.606e+00  5.459e-01  1.164e+00  1.782e+00 -4.080e+00  7.225e-01 -2.489e-01 -6.140e+00 J/K-m^3
d4Gdn3dP    1.570e-02  7.428e-02 -4.353e-02  1.417e-02 -2.772e-02 -1.453e-02 -1.646e-01  3.375e-02  4.955e-02 -2.119e-02 J/bar-m^3
d5Gdn3dT2   0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00 J/K^2-m^3
d5Gdn3dTdP  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00 J/K-bar-m^3
d5Gdn3dP2   0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00 J/bar^2-m^3
d6Gdn3dT3   0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00 J/K^3-m^3
d6Gdn3dT2d  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00 J/K^2-bar-m^3
d6Gdn3dTdP  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00 J/K-bar^2-m^3
d6Gdn3dP3   0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00  0.000e+00 J/bar^3-m^3

Test and time the generated functions for Feldspar

Time the code

    %timeit Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_g(t, p, n)
except AttributeError:
    %timeit Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_g(t, p, n)
except AttributeError:
1.12 µs ± 21.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

Time the Rubicon wrapped Objective-C code

from thermoengine import model as stdmodel
modelDB = stdmodel.Database()
FeldsparHC = modelDB.get_phase('Fsp')
%timeit FeldsparHC.gibbs_energy(t,p,mol=n)
54.7 µs ± 2.24 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

Methods available only in the “Calib” versions of generated code

Execute the parameter value/metadata functions.

These functions are only defined for the “calibration” model code implementation:

nparam = 0
    nparam = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_number()
    names = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_names()
    units = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_units()
    values = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_values()
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,nparam):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except AttributeError:
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+00  1.000000e+00 bar
Wh12        7.924000e+03  7.924000e+03 J/m
Ws12        0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
Wv12        0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/bar-m
dWh12      -7.924000e+03 -7.924000e+03 J/m
dWs12       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
dWv12       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/bar-m
Wh13        4.613000e+04  4.613000e+04 J/m
Ws13        2.060000e+01  2.060000e+01 J/K-m
Wv13        7.866000e-01  7.866000e-01 J/bar-m
dWh13       8.510000e+03  8.510000e+03 J/m
dWs13       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
dWv13      -1.338000e-01 -1.338000e-01 J/bar-m
Wh23        7.929100e+04  7.929100e+04 J/m
Ws23        0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
Wv23       -1.037000e-01 -1.037000e-01 J/bar-m
dWh23       1.343000e+03  1.343000e+03 J/m
dWs23       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
dWv23       1.037000e-01  1.037000e-01 J/bar-m
Wh123       1.254500e+04  1.254500e+04 J/m
Ws123       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
Wv123      -1.095000e+00 -1.095000e+00 J/bar-m

Functions that allow modification of the array of parameter values

    values[1] = 100.0
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,nparam):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except (AttributeError, NameError):
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+02  1.000000e+02 bar
Wh12        7.924000e+03  7.924000e+03 J/m
Ws12        0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
Wv12        0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/bar-m
dWh12      -7.924000e+03 -7.924000e+03 J/m
dWs12       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
dWv12       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/bar-m
Wh13        4.613000e+04  4.613000e+04 J/m
Ws13        2.060000e+01  2.060000e+01 J/K-m
Wv13        7.866000e-01  7.866000e-01 J/bar-m
dWh13       8.510000e+03  8.510000e+03 J/m
dWs13       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
dWv13      -1.338000e-01 -1.338000e-01 J/bar-m
Wh23        7.929100e+04  7.929100e+04 J/m
Ws23        0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
Wv23       -1.037000e-01 -1.037000e-01 J/bar-m
dWh23       1.343000e+03  1.343000e+03 J/m
dWs23       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
dWv23       1.037000e-01  1.037000e-01 J/bar-m
Wh123       1.254500e+04  1.254500e+04 J/m
Ws123       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
Wv123      -1.095000e+00 -1.095000e+00 J/bar-m

Functions that allow modification of a particular parameter value

    Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_set_param_value(1, 1.0)
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,nparam):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except AttributeError:
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+02  1.000000e+00 bar
Wh12        7.924000e+03  7.924000e+03 J/m
Ws12        0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
Wv12        0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/bar-m
dWh12      -7.924000e+03 -7.924000e+03 J/m
dWs12       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
dWv12       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/bar-m
Wh13        4.613000e+04  4.613000e+04 J/m
Ws13        2.060000e+01  2.060000e+01 J/K-m
Wv13        7.866000e-01  7.866000e-01 J/bar-m
dWh13       8.510000e+03  8.510000e+03 J/m
dWs13       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
dWv13      -1.338000e-01 -1.338000e-01 J/bar-m
Wh23        7.929100e+04  7.929100e+04 J/m
Ws23        0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
Wv23       -1.037000e-01 -1.037000e-01 J/bar-m
dWh23       1.343000e+03  1.343000e+03 J/m
dWs23       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
dWv23       1.037000e-01  1.037000e-01 J/bar-m
Wh123       1.254500e+04  1.254500e+04 J/m
Ws123       0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/K-m
Wv123      -1.095000e+00 -1.095000e+00 J/bar-m

Functions that evaluate parameter derivatives …

    fmt = "    {0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e}"
    for i in range(0, nparam):
        print ('Derivative with respect to parameter: ', names[i], ' of')
        print (fmt.format('G', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_g(t, p, n, i)))
        print (fmt.format('dGdT', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_dgdt(t, p, n, i)))
        print (fmt.format('dGdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_dgdp(t, p, n, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d2gdt2(t, p, n, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d2gdtdp(t, p, n, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d2gdp2(t, p, n, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d3gdt3(t, p, n, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d3gdt2dp(t, p, n, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d3gdtdp2(t, p, n, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d3gdp3(t, p, n, i)))
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_r  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  P_r  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Wh12  of
    G           3.666667e-01
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Ws12  of
    G          -7.333333e+02
    dGdT       -3.666667e-01
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Wv12  of
    G           3.666667e-01
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        3.666667e-01
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  dWh12  of
    G          -1.018519e-02
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  dWs12  of
    G           2.037037e+01
    dGdT        1.018519e-02
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  dWv12  of
    G          -1.018519e-02
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP       -1.018519e-02
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Wh13  of
    G           3.972222e-01
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Ws13  of
    G          -7.944444e+02
    dGdT       -3.972222e-01
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Wv13  of
    G           3.972222e-01
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        3.972222e-01
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  dWh13  of
    G          -2.206790e-02
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  dWs13  of
    G           4.413580e+01
    dGdT        2.206790e-02
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  dWv13  of
    G          -2.206790e-02
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP       -2.206790e-02
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Wh23  of
    G           4.333333e-01
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Ws23  of
    G          -8.666667e+02
    dGdT       -4.333333e-01
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Wv23  of
    G           4.333333e-01
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        4.333333e-01
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  dWh23  of
    G          -1.203704e-02
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  dWs23  of
    G           2.407407e+01
    dGdT        1.203704e-02
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  dWv23  of
    G          -1.203704e-02
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP       -1.203704e-02
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Wh123  of
    G           1.324074e-01
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Ws123  of
    G          -2.648148e+02
    dGdT       -1.324074e-01
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Wv123  of
    G           1.324074e-01
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        1.324074e-01
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00

Parameter derivatives of the chemical potential

def printResult(name, result, units):
    print ("dmu[*]/d {0:<10.10s}".format(name), end=' ')
    [print ("{0:13.6e}".format(x), end=' ') for x in result]
    print ("{0:<12.12s}".format(units))
def printLabels(n):
    print ("         {0:<18.18s}".format(''), end=' ')
    [print ("[{0:3d}]{1:<8.8s}".format(idx, ''), end=' ') for idx in range(len(n))]
    print ()
    for i in range(0, nparam):
        result = Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_dgdn(t,p,n, i)
        printResult(names[i], result, 'J/m^2/p-unit')
except AttributeError:
                            [  0]         [  1]         [  2]
dmu[*]/d T_r         0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d P_r         0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Wh12        2.314815e-01  2.037037e-01 -1.018519e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Ws12       -4.629630e+02 -4.074074e+02  2.037037e+02 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Wv12        2.314815e-01  2.037037e-01 -1.018519e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d dWh12       9.825103e-02 -1.046811e-01  5.658436e-03 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d dWs12      -1.965021e+02  2.093621e+02 -1.131687e+01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d dWv12       9.825103e-02 -1.046811e-01  5.658436e-03 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Wh13        2.507716e-01 -1.103395e-01  1.952160e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Ws13       -5.015432e+02  2.206790e+02 -3.904321e+02 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Wv13        2.507716e-01 -1.103395e-01  1.952160e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d dWh13       1.025377e-01  1.225995e-02 -1.150549e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d dWs13      -2.050754e+02 -2.451989e+01  2.301097e+02 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d dWv13       1.025377e-01  1.225995e-02 -1.150549e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Wh23       -1.203704e-01  2.407407e-01  2.129630e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Ws23        2.407407e+02 -4.814815e+02 -4.259259e+02 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Wv23       -1.203704e-01  2.407407e-01  2.129630e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d dWh23       6.687243e-03  1.170267e-01 -1.229424e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d dWs23      -1.337449e+01 -2.340535e+02  2.458848e+02 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d dWv23       6.687243e-03  1.170267e-01 -1.229424e-01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Wh123       4.681070e-02  3.677984e-02  2.829218e-02 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Ws123      -9.362140e+01 -7.355967e+01 -5.658436e+01 J/m^2/p-unit
dmu[*]/d Wv123       4.681070e-02  3.677984e-02  2.829218e-02 J/m^2/p-unit

Execute the parameter value/metadata functions for endmembers.

Use the Potassium Feldspar as an example. Alternatively, other endmembers can be accessed at: - Simple_Solution.cy_High_Albite_berman_(method …) - Simple_Solution.cy_Anorthite_berman_(method …) - Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_(method …)

    np = Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_number()
    names = Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_names()
    units = Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_units()
    values = Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_values()
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,np):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except AttributeError:
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+00  1.000000e+00 bar
H_TrPr     -3.970791e+06 -3.970791e+06 J
S_TrPr      2.141450e+02  2.141450e+02 J/K
k0          3.813723e+02  3.813723e+02 J/K-m
k1         -1.941045e+03 -1.941045e+03 J-K^(1/2)-
k2         -1.203725e+07 -1.203725e+07 J-K/m
k3          1.836425e+09  1.836425e+09 J-K^2
V_TrPr      1.086900e+01  1.086900e+01 J/bar-m
v1         -1.804500e-06 -1.804500e-06 1/bar
v2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 1/bar^2
v3          1.514510e-05  1.514510e-05 1/K
v4          5.500000e-09  5.500000e-09 1/K^2
l1          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
l2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
k_lambda    0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K/bar
T_lambda_P  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
T_lambda_r  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
H_t         0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/m
d0          2.829829e+02  2.829829e+02 J/K-m
d1         -4.831375e+03 -4.831375e+03 J/K^(1/2)-
d2          3.620706e+06  3.620706e+06 J-K/m
d3         -1.573300e-01 -1.573300e-01 J/K^2-m
d4          3.477000e-05  3.477000e-05 J/K^3-m
d5          4.106296e+05  4.106296e+05 bar
T_D         1.436150e+03  1.436150e+03 K
T_D_ref     2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K

Test the functions that allow modification of the array of parameter values

    values[1] = 100.0
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,np):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except (AttributeError, NameError):
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+02  1.000000e+02 bar
H_TrPr     -3.970791e+06 -3.970791e+06 J
S_TrPr      2.141450e+02  2.141450e+02 J/K
k0          3.813723e+02  3.813723e+02 J/K-m
k1         -1.941045e+03 -1.941045e+03 J-K^(1/2)-
k2         -1.203725e+07 -1.203725e+07 J-K/m
k3          1.836425e+09  1.836425e+09 J-K^2
V_TrPr      1.086900e+01  1.086900e+01 J/bar-m
v1         -1.804500e-06 -1.804500e-06 1/bar
v2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 1/bar^2
v3          1.514510e-05  1.514510e-05 1/K
v4          5.500000e-09  5.500000e-09 1/K^2
l1          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
l2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
k_lambda    0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K/bar
T_lambda_P  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
T_lambda_r  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
H_t         0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/m
d0          2.829829e+02  2.829829e+02 J/K-m
d1         -4.831375e+03 -4.831375e+03 J/K^(1/2)-
d2          3.620706e+06  3.620706e+06 J-K/m
d3         -1.573300e-01 -1.573300e-01 J/K^2-m
d4          3.477000e-05  3.477000e-05 J/K^3-m
d5          4.106296e+05  4.106296e+05 bar
T_D         1.436150e+03  1.436150e+03 K
T_D_ref     2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K

Test the functions that allow modification of a particular parameter value

    Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_set_param_value(1, 1.0)
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,np):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except AttributeError:
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+02  1.000000e+00 bar
H_TrPr     -3.970791e+06 -3.970791e+06 J
S_TrPr      2.141450e+02  2.141450e+02 J/K
k0          3.813723e+02  3.813723e+02 J/K-m
k1         -1.941045e+03 -1.941045e+03 J-K^(1/2)-
k2         -1.203725e+07 -1.203725e+07 J-K/m
k3          1.836425e+09  1.836425e+09 J-K^2
V_TrPr      1.086900e+01  1.086900e+01 J/bar-m
v1         -1.804500e-06 -1.804500e-06 1/bar
v2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 1/bar^2
v3          1.514510e-05  1.514510e-05 1/K
v4          5.500000e-09  5.500000e-09 1/K^2
l1          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
l2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
k_lambda    0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K/bar
T_lambda_P  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
T_lambda_r  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
H_t         0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/m
d0          2.829829e+02  2.829829e+02 J/K-m
d1         -4.831375e+03 -4.831375e+03 J/K^(1/2)-
d2          3.620706e+06  3.620706e+06 J-K/m
d3         -1.573300e-01 -1.573300e-01 J/K^2-m
d4          3.477000e-05  3.477000e-05 J/K^3-m
d5          4.106296e+05  4.106296e+05 bar
T_D         1.436150e+03  1.436150e+03 K
T_D_ref     2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K

Evaluate parameter derivatives …

    fmt = "    {0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e}"
    for i in range(0, np):
        print ('Derivative with respect to parameter: ', names[i], ' of')
        print (fmt.format('G', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_g(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('dGdT', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_dgdt(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('dGdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_dgdp(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdT2', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d2gdt2(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdTdP', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d2gdtdp(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d2gdp2(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdT3', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d3gdt3(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d3gdt2dp(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d3gdtdp2(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdP3', Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_dparam_d3gdp3(t, p, i)))
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_r  of
    G           1.157797e+03
    dGdT        6.803167e-01
    dGdP       -3.680836e-04
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP    -1.195590e-07
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  P_r  of
    G          -1.132642e+01
    dGdT       -3.754248e-04
    dGdP        1.961311e-05
    d2GdT2     -1.195590e-07
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  H_TrPr  of
    G           1.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  S_TrPr  of
    G          -2.000000e+03
    dGdT       -1.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k0  of
    G          -2.104761e+03
    dGdT       -1.903306e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -5.000000e-04
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      2.500000e-07
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k1  of
    G          -8.730409e+01
    dGdT       -7.110638e-02
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -1.118034e-05
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      8.385255e-09
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k2  of
    G          -8.145410e-03
    dGdT       -5.499713e-06
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -1.250000e-10
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      1.875000e-13
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k3  of
    G          -1.957079e-05
    dGdT       -1.253525e-08
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -6.250000e-14
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      1.250000e-16
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  V_TrPr  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        1.041704e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     3.386545e-05
    d2GdP2     -1.804500e-06
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    1.100000e-08
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  v1  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      1.086900e+01
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  v2  of
    G          -4.440892e-16
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      2.173800e+01
Derivative with respect to parameter:  v3  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        1.849741e+04
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     1.086900e+01
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  v4  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        3.147981e+07
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     3.699482e+04
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    2.173800e+01
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  l1  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  l2  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k_lambda  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_lambda_Pr  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_lambda_ref  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  H_t  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d0  of
    G          -8.864424e+02
    dGdT       -1.572124e+00
    dGdP        1.373135e-03
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     2.435285e-06
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d1  of
    G          -3.555216e+01
    dGdT       -6.305252e-02
    dGdP        3.623376e-05
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     6.426135e-08
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d2  of
    G          -3.034805e-03
    dGdT       -5.382292e-06
    dGdP        6.657539e-10
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     1.180729e-12
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d3  of
    G          -6.416613e+05
    dGdT       -1.138000e+03
    dGdP        1.972028e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     3.497434e-03
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d4  of
    G          -5.564166e+08
    dGdT       -9.868167e+05
    dGdP        2.832128e+03
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     5.022840e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d5  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP       -1.008044e-08
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP    -1.787787e-11
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_D  of
    G           1.382825e+01
    dGdT       -2.099020e-03
    dGdP       -2.865132e-05
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP    -3.779398e-08
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_D_ref  of
    G           1.759390e-01
    dGdT        3.120316e-04
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00

Alter an endmember thermodynamic parameter value and test to insure that alteration propagates to the solution phase

First output the Gibbs energy of solution with default parameters …

    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:<10.10s}"
    print(fmt.format('G', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_g(t,p,n), 'J'))
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
G          -1.820234e+07 J

Second, output the reference state enthalpy of formation of the potassium feldspar end member, then alter it by 10,000 J

    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    names = Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_names()
    units = Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_units()
    values = Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_values()
    print(fmt.format(names[2], values[2], Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_value(2), units[2]))
    Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_set_param_value(2, values[2]+10000.0)
    print(fmt.format(names[2], values[2], Simple_Solution.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_get_param_value(2), units[2]))
except AttributeError:
H_TrPr     -3.970791e+06 -3.970791e+06 J
H_TrPr     -3.970791e+06 -3.960791e+06 J

Finally, output the Gibbs energy of solution again to reflect the endmember parameter change

    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:<10.10s}"
    print(fmt.format('G', Simple_Solution.cy_Feldspar_Simple_Solution_calib_g(t,p,n), 'J'))
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
G          -1.818934e+07 J