Revised HKF - Standard State

This notebook develops code for the revised HKF (Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers) formalism for the thermodynamic properties of aqueous species.

The derivation follows that in Appendix B of

Shock EL, Oelkers EH, Johnson JW, Sverjensky DA, Helgeson HC (1992) Calculation of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous species at high pressures and temperatures. Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Transactions, 88(6), 803-826

and in

Tanger JC, Helgeson HC (1988) Calculation of the thermodynamic and transport properties of aqueous species at high pressures and temperatures: Revised equations of state for the standard partial molal properties if ions and electrolytes. American Journal of Science, 288, 19-98

Required system packages and initialization

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym

Import the coder module and retrieve sympy extensions for the Born functions and for the Shock et al., (1992) “g” function:

from thermoengine import coder
from thermoengine.coder import B, Q, Y, U, N, X, dUdT, dUdP, dNdT, dNdP, dXdT, gSolvent

Create a standard state model instance …

model = coder.StdStateModel()

… and retrieve sympy symbols for standard variables.

T = model.get_symbol_for_t()
P = model.get_symbol_for_p()
Tr = model.get_symbol_for_tr()
Pr = model.get_symbol_for_pr()

Equation of State (EOS)

Shock et al., 1992, eqn. B10:

\({\bar v^o} = {a_1} + \frac{{{a_2}}}{{\Psi + P}} + \left( {{a_3} + \frac{{{a_4}}}{{\Psi + P}}} \right)\frac{1}{{T - \theta }} - \omega Q - \left( {B + 1} \right){\left( {\frac{{\partial \omega }}{{\partial P}}} \right)_T}\)

\(\Psi\) has a value of 2600 bars as determined by Tanger and Helgeson (1988)
\(\theta\) has a value of 228 K as determined by Helgeson and Kirkham (1976)

\(\omega\) is defined in terms of the charge on the ion (z) and a mysterious function, g, as derived by Shock et al. (1992),building on the work of Tanger and Helgeson (1988):

\(\omega = \eta z\left( {\frac{z}{{{r_{e,ref}} + \left| z \right|g}} - \frac{1}{{{r_{e,{H^ + }}} + g}}} \right)\)

where \(\eta\) is a conversion constant. The reference ionic radius is:

\({r_{e,ref}} = \frac{{{z^2}}}{{\frac{{{\omega _{ref}}}}{\eta } + \frac{z}{{{r_{e,{H^ + }}}}}}}\)

which when inserted into the definition becomes

\(\omega = \left( {\frac{{{\omega _{ref}} + \frac{{z\eta }}{{{r_{e,{H^ + }}}}}}}{{1 + \frac{{\sqrt {{z^2}} }}{{{z^2}}}g\left( {\frac{{{\omega _{ref}}}}{\eta } + \frac{z}{{{r_{e,{H^ + }}}}}} \right)}} - \frac{{\eta z}}{{{r_{e,{H^ + }}} + g}}} \right)\)

The above expression is cast into a slightly different form than the one provided by Shock et al. (1992), but is otherwise identical. This form is applicable to both charged and neutral species, as demonstrated below.

eta, rH, omega0, z = sym.symbols('eta rH omega0 z', real=True)
omega_def = sym.Piecewise((omega0, sym.Eq(z,0)), \
            ((omega0 + z*eta/rH)/(1 + sym.Abs(z)*gSolvent(T,P)*(omega0/eta + z/rH)/z**2) - eta*z/(rH + gSolvent(T,P)), True))
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \begin{cases} \omega_{0} & \text{for}\: z = 0 \\- \frac{\eta z}{rH + \operatorname{gSolvent}{\left(T,P \right)}} + \frac{\frac{\eta z}{rH} + \omega_{0}}{1 + \frac{\left(\frac{z}{rH} + \frac{\omega_{0}}{\eta}\right) \left|{z}\right| \operatorname{gSolvent}{\left(T,P \right)}}{z^{2}}} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Hence, \({\bar v^o} = {a_1} + \frac{{{a_2}}}{{\Psi + P}} + \left( {{a_3} + \frac{{{a_4}}}{{\Psi + P}}} \right)\frac{1}{{T - \theta }} - \omega Q - \left( {B + 1} \right){\left( {\frac{{\partial \omega }}{{\partial P}}} \right)_T}\) is

a1,a2,a3,a4 = sym.symbols('a1 a2 a3 a4')
Psi,theta = sym.symbols('Psi theta')
omega = sym.Function('omega')(T,P)
vtp = a1 + a2/(Psi+P) + (a3 + a4/(Psi+P))/(T-theta) - omega*Q(T,P) - (B(T,P)+1)*omega.diff(P)
\[\displaystyle a_{1} + \frac{a_{2}}{P + \Psi} - \left(B{\left(T,P \right)} + 1\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial P} \omega{\left(T,P \right)} - \omega{\left(T,P \right)} Q{\left(T,P \right)} + \frac{a_{3} + \frac{a_{4}}{P + \Psi}}{T - \theta}\]

Note that the derivative of $ - :raw-latex:`left[ {left( {{B_{T,P}} + 1} right){omega _{T,P}} - left( {{B_{T,{P_r}}} + 1} right){omega _{T,{P_r}}}} right]`$

-(1+B(T,P))*omega + (1+B(T,Pr))*(omega.subs(P,Pr))
\[\displaystyle \left(- B{\left(T,P \right)} - 1\right) \omega{\left(T,P \right)} + \left(B{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} + 1\right) \omega{\left(T,P_{r} \right)}\]


(-(1+B(T,P))*omega + (1+B(T,Pr))*(omega.subs(P,Pr))).diff(P)
\[\displaystyle \left(- B{\left(T,P \right)} - 1\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial P} \omega{\left(T,P \right)} - \omega{\left(T,P \right)} Q{\left(T,P \right)}\]

So that \(\int_{{P_r}}^P {{{\bar v}^o}} dP\) may be written:

deltaG = sym.integrate(a1 + a2/(Psi+P) + (a3 + a4/(Psi+P))/(T-theta), (P,Pr,P)) - (1+B(T,P))*omega + (1+B(T,Pr))*omega.subs(P,Pr)
\[\displaystyle \frac{P \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{T - \theta} - \frac{P_{r} \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{T - \theta} - \left(B{\left(T,P \right)} + 1\right) \omega{\left(T,P \right)} + \left(B{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} + 1\right) \omega{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} + \frac{\left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P + \Psi \right)}}{T - \theta} - \frac{\left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P_{r} + \Psi \right)}}{T - \theta}\]

The second derivative of this volume integral gives the contribution to the heat capacity, i.e. \(\frac{{{\partial ^2}G}}{{\partial {T^2}}} = - \frac{{\partial S}}{{\partial T}} = - \frac{{{C_P}}}{T}\) so that

\({{\bar c}_P}\left( {T,P} \right) - {{\bar c}_P}\left( {T,{P_r}} \right) = - T\frac{{{\partial ^2}\int_{{P_r}}^P {{{\bar v}^o}} dP}}{{\partial {T^2}}}\)

\[\displaystyle - T \left(- \frac{2 P a_{1}}{\left(T - \theta\right)^{2}} + \frac{2 P \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{\left(T - \theta\right)^{3}} + \frac{2 P_{r} a_{1}}{\left(T - \theta\right)^{2}} - \frac{2 P_{r} \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{\left(T - \theta\right)^{3}} - \frac{2 a_{2} \log{\left(P + \Psi \right)}}{\left(T - \theta\right)^{2}} + \frac{2 a_{2} \log{\left(P_{r} + \Psi \right)}}{\left(T - \theta\right)^{2}} - \left(B{\left(T,P \right)} + 1\right) \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial T^{2}} \omega{\left(T,P \right)} + \left(B{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} + 1\right) \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial T^{2}} \omega{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} - \omega{\left(T,P \right)} X{\left(T,P \right)} + \omega{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} X{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} - 2 Y{\left(T,P \right)} \frac{\partial}{\partial T} \omega{\left(T,P \right)} + 2 Y{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} \frac{\partial}{\partial T} \omega{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} + \frac{2 \left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P + \Psi \right)}}{\left(T - \theta\right)^{3}} - \frac{2 \left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P_{r} + \Psi \right)}}{\left(T - \theta\right)^{3}}\right)\]

Heat Capacity functions

Heat capacity is parameterized as (Tanger and Helgeson, 1988, eq A-4, p 78):

\({{\bar c}_P} = {c_1} + \frac{{{c_2}}}{{{{\left( {T - \theta } \right)}^2}}} - \left[ {\frac{{2T}}{{{{\left( {T - \theta } \right)}^3}}}} \right]\left[ {{a_3}\left( {P - {P_r}} \right) + {a_4}\ln \left( {\frac{{\Psi + P}}{{\Psi + {P_r}}}} \right)} \right] + \omega TX + 2TY\frac{{\partial \omega }}{{\partial T}} - T\left( {\frac{1}{\varepsilon } - 1} \right)\frac{{{\partial ^2}\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}\)

or equivalently, as the Born function is defined as \(B = - \frac{1}{\varepsilon }\)

\({{\bar c}_P} = {c_1} + \frac{{{c_2}}}{{{{\left( {T - \theta } \right)}^2}}} - \left[ {\frac{{2T}}{{{{\left( {T - \theta } \right)}^3}}}} \right]\left[ {{a_3}\left( {P - {P_r}} \right) + {a_4}\ln \left( {\frac{{\Psi + P}}{{\Psi + {P_r}}}} \right)} \right] + \omega TX + 2TY\frac{{\partial \omega }}{{\partial T}} + T\left( {B + 1} \right)\frac{{{\partial ^2}\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}\)

at the reference pressure this expression becomes

\({\bar c_{{P_r}}} = {c_1} + \frac{{{c_2}}}{{{{\left( {T - \theta } \right)}^2}}} + {\omega _{{P_r}}}T{X_{T,{P_r}}} + 2T{Y_{T,{P_r}}}{\left. {\frac{{\partial \omega }}{{\partial T}}} \right|_{T,{P_r}}} + T\left( {{B_{T,{P_r}}} + 1} \right){\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|_{T,{P_r}}}\)

Note that the “Born” function terms are the equivalent of \(T{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|_{T,{P_r}}}\), so that the reference pressure heat capacity can be equivalently written:

\({{\bar c}_{{P_r}}} = {c_1} + \frac{{{c_2}}}{{{{\left( {T - \theta } \right)}^2}}} + T{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|_{T,{P_r}}}\)

as demonstrated here:

c1,c2 = sym.symbols('c1 c2')
ctpr = c1 + c2/(T-theta)**2 + (T*((B(T,P)+1)*omega).diff(T,2)).subs(P,Pr)
\[\displaystyle T \left(\left(B{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} + 1\right) \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial T^{2}} \omega{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} + \omega{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} X{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} + 2 Y{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} \frac{\partial}{\partial T} \omega{\left(T,P_{r} \right)}\right) + c_{1} + \frac{c_{2}}{\left(T - \theta\right)^{2}}\]

Gibbs free energy

The above analysis gives a way to write the Gibbs free energy using the identity \(dG = - SdT + VdP\), from which:

\({G_{T,P}} = {G_{{T_r},{P_r}}} - \int_{{T_r}}^T {{S_{T,{P_r}}}dT} + \int_{{P_r}}^P {{V_{T,P}}dP}\)

The entropy term is given by

\({S_{T,{P_r}}} = {S_{{T_r},{P_r}}} + \int_{{T_r}}^T {\frac{{{{\bar c}_{T,{P_r}}}}}{T}dT}\)

Combining expressions

\({G_{T,P}} = {G_{{T_r},{P_r}}} - {S_{{T_r},{P_r}}}\left( {T - {T_r}} \right) - \int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {\frac{{{{\bar c}_{T,{P_r}}}}}{T}dT} dT} + \int_{{P_r}}^P {{V_{T,P}}dP}\)

Now, using the above expression for the reference pressure heat capacity we can write

\({G_{T,P}} = {G_{{T_r},{P_r}}} - {S_{{T_r},{P_r}}}\left( {T - {T_r}} \right) - \int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {\frac{{\left( {{c_1} + \frac{{{c_2}}}{{{{\left( {T - \theta } \right)}^2}}} + T{{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|}_{T,{P_r}}}} \right)}}{T}dT} dT} + \int_{{P_r}}^P {{V_{T,P}}dP}\)


\({G_{T,P}} = {G_{{T_r},{P_r}}} - {S_{{T_r},{P_r}}}\left( {T - {T_r}} \right) - \int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {\left[ {\frac{{{c_1}}}{T} + \frac{{{c_2}}}{{T{{\left( {T - \theta } \right)}^2}}} + {{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|}_{T,{P_r}}}} \right]dT} dT} + \int_{{P_r}}^P {{V_{T,P}}dP}\)

which expands to

\({G_{T,P}} = {G_{{T_r},{P_r}}} - {S_{{T_r},{P_r}}}\left( {T - {T_r}} \right) - \int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {\left[ {\frac{{{c_1}}}{T} + \frac{{{c_2}}}{{T{{\left( {T - \theta } \right)}^2}}}} \right]dT} dT} - \int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {{{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|}_{T,{P_r}}}dT} dT} + \int_{{P_r}}^P {{V_{T,P}}dP}\)

Note that \(\int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {{{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|}_{T,{P_r}}}dT} dT}\) evaluates to:

\(\int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {{{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|}_{T,{P_r}}}dT} dT} = \int_{{T_r}}^T {\left[ {{{\left. {\frac{{\partial \left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial T}}} \right|}_{T,{P_r}}} - {{\left. {\frac{{\partial \left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial T}}} \right|}_{{T_r},{P_r}}}} \right]dT}\)

and further to:

\(\int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {{{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|}_{T,{P_r}}}dT} dT} = \left( {{B_{T,{P_r}}} + 1} \right){\omega _{T,P_r}} - \left( {{B_{{T_r},{P_r}}} + 1} \right){\omega _{{T_r},{P_r}}} - {\left. {\frac{{\partial \left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial T}}} \right|_{{T_r},{P_r}}}\left( {T - {T_r}} \right)\)

and still further to:

\(\int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {{{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|}_{T,{P_r}}}dT} dT} = \left( {{B_{T,{P_r}}} + 1} \right){\omega _{T,{P_r}}} - \left( {{B_{{T_r},{P_r}}} + 1} \right){\omega _{{T_r},{P_r}}} - {\left. {\frac{{\partial B}}{{\partial T}}} \right|_{{T_r},{P_r}}}{\omega _{{T_r},{P_r}}}\left( {T - {T_r}} \right) - {\left. {\left( {{B_{{T_r},{P_r}}} + 1} \right)\frac{{\partial \omega }}{{\partial T}}} \right|_{{T_r},{P_r}}}\left( {T - {T_r}} \right)\)

recognizing that \(Y = \frac{{\partial B}}{{\partial T}}\), we have finally

\(\int_{{T_r}}^T {\int_{{T_r}}^T {{{\left. {\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}} \right|}_{T,{P_r}}}dT} dT} = \left( {{B_{T,{P_r}}} + 1} \right){\omega _{T,{P_r}}} - \left( {{B_{{T_r},{P_r}}} + 1} \right){\omega _{{T_r},{P_r}}} - {Y_{{T_r},{P_r}}}\left( {T - {T_r}} \right){\omega _{{T_r},{P_r}}} - {\left. {\left( {{B_{{T_r},{P_r}}} + 1} \right)\left( {T - {T_r}} \right)\frac{{\partial \omega }}{{\partial T}}} \right|_{{T_r},{P_r}}}\)

Note that:

$ - :raw-latex:`\int`{{T_r}}^T {:raw-latex:`int`{{T_r}}^T {{{:raw-latex:`\left`. {:raw-latex:`\frac{{{\partial ^2}\left( {B + 1} \right)\omega }}{{\partial {T^2}}}`} :raw-latex:`\right`|}{T,{P_r}}}dT} dT} = - :raw-latex:`left`( {{B{T,{P_r}}} + 1} :raw-latex:`\right`){:raw-latex:`\omega `\ *{T,{P_r}}} + :raw-latex:`left`( {{B*{{T_r},{P_r}}} + 1} :raw-latex:`\right`){:raw-latex:`\omega `\ *{{T_r},{P_r}}} + {Y*\ {{T_r},{P_r}}}:raw-latex:`left`( {T - {T_r}} :raw-latex:`\right`){:raw-latex:`\omega `\ *{{T_r},{P_r}}} + {:raw-latex:`left`. {:raw-latex:`\left`( {{B*\ {{T_r},{P_r}}} + 1} :raw-latex:`right`):raw-latex:left`( {T - {T_r}} :raw-latex:right`):raw-latex:frac{{partial omega }}{{partial T}}} :raw-latex:`\right`|_{{T_r},{P_r}}}$


\(\int_{{P_r}}^P {{V_{T,P}}dP} = f\left( {T,\theta ,{a_1},{a_2},{a_3},{a_4},T,P,{P_r}} \right) - \left( {{B_{T,P}} + 1} \right){\omega _{T,P}} + \left( {{B_{T,{P_r}}} + 1} \right){\omega _{T,{P_r}}}\)

Add to the above parameters the reference state enthalpy, \(H_{ref}\) and the reference state entropy, \(S_{ref}\)

Gref,Sref = sym.symbols('G_ref S_ref')

Derive an expression for the Gibbs free energy

gtp = Gref - Sref*(T-Tr) - sym.integrate(sym.integrate((c1 + c2/(T-theta)**2)/T, (T,Tr,T)), (T,Tr,T)) \
    - (B(T,Pr)+1)*omega.subs(P,Pr) + (B(Tr,Pr)+1)*omega.subs(P,Pr).subs(T,Tr) \
    + Y(Tr,Pr)*(T-Tr)*omega.subs(P,Pr).subs(T,Tr) + (B(Tr,Pr)+1)*(T-Tr)*omega.diff(T).subs(P,Pr) \
    + sym.integrate(a1 + a2/(Psi+P) + (a3 + a4/(Psi+P))/(T-theta), (P,Pr,P)) - (1+B(T,P))*omega + (1+B(T,Pr))*omega.subs(P,Pr)
\[\displaystyle G_{ref} + \frac{P \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{T - \theta} - \frac{P_{r} \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{T - \theta} - S_{ref} \left(T - T_{r}\right) + \frac{T c_{2} \log{\left(T + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - 2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}} - \frac{T \left(- T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} - T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} + c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{2} \theta\right)}{T_{r} \theta^{2} - \theta^{3}} - \frac{T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - 2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}} + \frac{T_{r} \left(- T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} - T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} + c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{2} \theta\right)}{T_{r} \theta^{2} - \theta^{3}} + \left(T - T_{r}\right) \left(B{\left(T_{r},P_{r} \right)} + 1\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial T} \omega{\left(T,P_{r} \right)} + \left(T - T_{r}\right) \omega{\left(T_{r},P_{r} \right)} Y{\left(T_{r},P_{r} \right)} - \left(B{\left(T,P \right)} + 1\right) \omega{\left(T,P \right)} + \left(B{\left(T_{r},P_{r} \right)} + 1\right) \omega{\left(T_{r},P_{r} \right)} + \frac{\left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P + \Psi \right)}}{T - \theta} - \frac{\left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P_{r} + \Psi \right)}}{T - \theta} - \frac{\left(T c_{1} \theta^{2} + T c_{2}\right) \log{\left(T + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - c_{2} \theta + \theta \left(c_{1} \theta^{2} + c_{2}\right)}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}} + \frac{\left(T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} + T_{r} c_{2}\right) \log{\left(T_{r} + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - c_{2} \theta + \theta \left(c_{1} \theta^{2} + c_{2}\right)}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}}\]

At the reference pressure, \(\omega\) is a constant, \(\omega_0\), and its derivatives are zero too.

gtp = gtp.subs(omega.subs(T,Tr).subs(P,Pr), omega0)
gtp = gtp.subs(omega.diff(T).subs(P,Pr),0)
\[\displaystyle G_{ref} + \frac{P \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{T - \theta} - \frac{P_{r} \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{T - \theta} - S_{ref} \left(T - T_{r}\right) + \frac{T c_{2} \log{\left(T + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - 2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}} - \frac{T \left(- T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} - T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} + c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{2} \theta\right)}{T_{r} \theta^{2} - \theta^{3}} - \frac{T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - 2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}} + \frac{T_{r} \left(- T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} - T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} + c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{2} \theta\right)}{T_{r} \theta^{2} - \theta^{3}} + \omega_{0} \left(T - T_{r}\right) Y{\left(T_{r},P_{r} \right)} + \omega_{0} \left(B{\left(T_{r},P_{r} \right)} + 1\right) - \left(B{\left(T,P \right)} + 1\right) \omega{\left(T,P \right)} + \frac{\left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P + \Psi \right)}}{T - \theta} - \frac{\left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P_{r} + \Psi \right)}}{T - \theta} - \frac{\left(T c_{1} \theta^{2} + T c_{2}\right) \log{\left(T + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - c_{2} \theta + \theta \left(c_{1} \theta^{2} + c_{2}\right)}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}} + \frac{\left(T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} + T_{r} c_{2}\right) \log{\left(T_{r} + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - c_{2} \theta + \theta \left(c_{1} \theta^{2} + c_{2}\right)}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}}\]

Substitute the definition of the omega function into the expression for the Gibbs free energy

gtp = gtp.subs(omega,omega_def)
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle G_{ref} + \frac{P \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{T - \theta} - \frac{P_{r} \left(T a_{1} - a_{1} \theta + a_{3}\right)}{T - \theta} - S_{ref} \left(T - T_{r}\right) + \frac{T c_{2} \log{\left(T + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - 2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}} - \frac{T \left(- T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} - T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} + c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{2} \theta\right)}{T_{r} \theta^{2} - \theta^{3}} - \frac{T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - 2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}} + \frac{T_{r} \left(- T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} - T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + T_{r} c_{2} \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + c_{1} \theta^{3} + c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} - c_{2} \theta \log{\left(T_{r} - \frac{c_{1} \theta^{3}}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} - \frac{2 c_{2} \theta}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)} + c_{2} \theta\right)}{T_{r} \theta^{2} - \theta^{3}} + \omega_{0} \left(T - T_{r}\right) Y{\left(T_{r},P_{r} \right)} + \omega_{0} \left(B{\left(T_{r},P_{r} \right)} + 1\right) - \left(B{\left(T,P \right)} + 1\right) \left(\begin{cases} \omega_{0} & \text{for}\: z = 0 \\- \frac{\eta z}{rH + \operatorname{gSolvent}{\left(T,P \right)}} + \frac{\frac{\eta z}{rH} + \omega_{0}}{1 + \frac{\left(\frac{z}{rH} + \frac{\omega_{0}}{\eta}\right) \left|{z}\right| \operatorname{gSolvent}{\left(T,P \right)}}{z^{2}}} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\right) + \frac{\left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P + \Psi \right)}}{T - \theta} - \frac{\left(T a_{2} - a_{2} \theta + a_{4}\right) \log{\left(P_{r} + \Psi \right)}}{T - \theta} - \frac{\left(T c_{1} \theta^{2} + T c_{2}\right) \log{\left(T + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - c_{2} \theta + \theta \left(c_{1} \theta^{2} + c_{2}\right)}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}} + \frac{\left(T_{r} c_{1} \theta^{2} + T_{r} c_{2}\right) \log{\left(T_{r} + \frac{- c_{1} \theta^{3} - c_{2} \theta + \theta \left(c_{1} \theta^{2} + c_{2}\right)}{c_{1} \theta^{2} + 2 c_{2}} \right)}}{\theta^{2}}\end{split}\]

The “charge” contribution to the Gibbs free energy is

\[\begin{split}\displaystyle \omega_{0} \left(B{\left(T,P \right)} + 1\right) - \left(B{\left(T,P \right)} + 1\right) \left(\begin{cases} \omega_{0} & \text{for}\: z = 0 \\- \frac{\eta z}{rH + \operatorname{gSolvent}{\left(T,P \right)}} + \frac{\frac{\eta z}{rH} + \omega_{0}}{1 + \frac{\left(\frac{z}{rH} + \frac{\omega_{0}}{\eta}\right) \left|{z}\right| \operatorname{gSolvent}{\left(T,P \right)}}{z^{2}}} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\right)\end{split}\]

Add the derived expression for G(T,P) and its parameter list to the model

params = [('G_ref','J',Gref), ('S_ref','J/K',Sref),
          ('a1','J/bar-m',a1), ('a2','J/bar^2-m',a2), ('a3','J/bar-m',a3),  ('a4','J/bar^2-m',a4),
          ('c1','J/K-m',c1), ('c2','J-K/m',c2),
          ('Psi', 'bar', Psi), ('eta', 'Å-J/mole', eta), ('rH', 'Å', rH), ('omega0','J',omega0),
          ('theta','K',theta), ('z', '', z)]
model.add_expression_to_model(gtp, params)

Import the new module and test the model

import hkf
%cd ..
/Users/ghiorso/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Cython/Compiler/Main.py:369: FutureWarning: Cython directive 'language_level' not set, using 2 for now (Py2). This will change in a later release! File: /Users/ghiorso/Documents/ARCHIVE_XCODE/ThermoEngine/Notebooks/Codegen/aqueous/hkf.pyx
  tree = Parsing.p_module(s, pxd, full_module_name)

Evaluate functions at temperature (K) and pressure (bars)

t = 1298.15
p = 1001.0

Available in both “Fast” and “Calib” code versions

Execute the “fast” or “calibration” code metadata retrieval functions:

except AttributeError:
except AttributeError:
Wed Sep 23 09:56:24 2020
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Execute the standard thermodynamic property retrieval functions:

fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:<10.10s}"
    print(fmt.format('G', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_g(t,p), 'J/m'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dgdt(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dgdp(t,p), 'J/bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d2gdt2(t,p), 'J/K^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdTdP', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d2gdtdp(t,p), 'J/K-bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d2gdp2(t,p), 'J/bar^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT3', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d3gdt3(t,p), 'J/K^3-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d3gdt2dp(t,p), 'J/K^2-bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d3gdtdp2(t,p), 'J/K-bar^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdP3', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d3gdp3(t,p), 'J/bar^3-m'))
    print(fmt.format('S', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_s(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('V', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_v(t,p), 'J/bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('Cv', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_cv(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('Cp', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_cp(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('dCpdT', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dcpdt(t,p), 'J/K^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('alpha', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_alpha(t,p), '1/K'))
    print(fmt.format('beta', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_beta(t,p), '1/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('K', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_K(t,p), 'bar'))
    print(fmt.format('Kp', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_Kp(t,p), ''))
except AttributeError:
    print(fmt.format('G', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_g(t,p), 'J/m'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_dgdt(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_dgdp(t,p), 'J/bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d2gdt2(t,p), 'J/K^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdTdP', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d2gdtdp(t,p), 'J/K-bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d2gdp2(t,p), 'J/bar^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT3', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d3gdt3(t,p), 'J/K^3-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d3gdt2dp(t,p), 'J/K^2-bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d3gdtdp2(t,p), 'J/K-bar^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdP3', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d3gdp3(t,p), 'J/bar^3-m'))
    print(fmt.format('S', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_s(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('V', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_v(t,p), 'J/bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('Cv', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_cv(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('Cp', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_cp(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('dCpdT', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_dcpdt(t,p), 'J/K^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('alpha', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_alpha(t,p), '1/K'))
    print(fmt.format('beta', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_beta(t,p), '1/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('K', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_K(t,p), 'bar'))
    print(fmt.format('Kp', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_Kp(t,p), ''))
except AttributeError:
G          -2.787254e+05 J/m
dGdT        1.769563e+01 J/K-m
dGdP       -1.553101e+02 J/bar-m
d2GdP2     -3.089866e-01 J/K^2-m
d2GdTdP    -1.692411e-01 J/K-bar-m
d2GdP2      3.750827e-01 J/bar^2-m
d3GdT3     -8.825633e-04 J/K^3-m
d3GdT2dP    5.486632e-04 J/K^2-bar-
d3GdTdP2    2.847840e-04 J/K-bar^2-
d3GdP3     -1.257095e-03 J/bar^3-m
S          -1.769563e+01 J/K-m
V          -1.553101e+02 J/bar-m
Cv          5.002420e+02 J/K-m
Cp          4.011110e+02 J/K-m
dCpdT       1.454686e+00 J/K^2-m
alpha       1.089698e-03 1/K
beta        2.415056e-03 1/bar
K           4.140690e+02 bar
Kp          3.877578e-01

Available only in the “Calib” versions of generated code

Execute the parameter value/metadata functions.
These functions are only defined for the “calibration” model code implementation:
    np = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_get_param_number()
    names = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_get_param_names()
    units = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_get_param_units()
    values = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_get_param_values()
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,np):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except AttributeError:
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+00  1.000000e+00 bar
G_ref      -2.618807e+05 -2.618807e+05 J
S_ref       5.840864e+01  5.840864e+01 J/K
a1          7.694376e-01  7.694376e-01 J/bar-m
a2         -9.560440e+02 -9.560440e+02 J/bar^2-m
a3          1.362310e+01  1.362310e+01 J/bar-m
a4         -1.140558e+05 -1.140558e+05 J/bar^2-m
c1          7.606512e+01  7.606512e+01 J/K-m
c2         -1.247250e+05 -1.247250e+05 J-K/m
Psi         2.600000e+03  2.600000e+03 bar
eta         6.946570e+05  6.946570e+05 Å-J/mole
rH          3.082000e+00  3.082000e+00 Å
omega0      1.383230e+05  1.383230e+05 J
theta       2.280000e+02  2.280000e+02 K
z           1.000000e+00  1.000000e+00

Test the functions that allow modification of the array of parameter values

    values[1] = 100.0
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,np):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except (AttributeError, NameError):
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+02  1.000000e+02 bar
G_ref      -2.618807e+05 -2.618807e+05 J
S_ref       5.840864e+01  5.840864e+01 J/K
a1          7.694376e-01  7.694376e-01 J/bar-m
a2         -9.560440e+02 -9.560440e+02 J/bar^2-m
a3          1.362310e+01  1.362310e+01 J/bar-m
a4         -1.140558e+05 -1.140558e+05 J/bar^2-m
c1          7.606512e+01  7.606512e+01 J/K-m
c2         -1.247250e+05 -1.247250e+05 J-K/m
Psi         2.600000e+03  2.600000e+03 bar
eta         6.946570e+05  6.946570e+05 Å-J/mole
rH          3.082000e+00  3.082000e+00 Å
omega0      1.383230e+05  1.383230e+05 J
theta       2.280000e+02  2.280000e+02 K
z           1.000000e+00  1.000000e+00

Test the functions that allow modification of a particular parameter value

    hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_set_param_value(1, 1.0)
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,np):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except AttributeError:
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+02  1.000000e+00 bar
G_ref      -2.618807e+05 -2.618807e+05 J
S_ref       5.840864e+01  5.840864e+01 J/K
a1          7.694376e-01  7.694376e-01 J/bar-m
a2         -9.560440e+02 -9.560440e+02 J/bar^2-m
a3          1.362310e+01  1.362310e+01 J/bar-m
a4         -1.140558e+05 -1.140558e+05 J/bar^2-m
c1          7.606512e+01  7.606512e+01 J/K-m
c2         -1.247250e+05 -1.247250e+05 J-K/m
Psi         2.600000e+03  2.600000e+03 bar
eta         6.946570e+05  6.946570e+05 Å-J/mole
rH          3.082000e+00  3.082000e+00 Å
omega0      1.383230e+05  1.383230e+05 J
theta       2.280000e+02  2.280000e+02 K
z           1.000000e+00  1.000000e+00

Evaluate parameter derivatives …

    fmt = "    {0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e}"
    for i in range(0, np):
        print ('Derivative with respect to parameter: ', names[i], ' of')
        print (fmt.format('G', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_g(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('dGdT', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_dgdt(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('dGdP', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_dgdp(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdT2', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_d2gdt2(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdTdP', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_d2gdtdp(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdP2', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_d2gdp2(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdT3', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_d3gdt3(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_d3gdt2dp(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_d3gdtdp2(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdP3', hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dparam_d3gdp3(t, p, i)))
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_r  of
    G           3.519348e+02
    dGdT        2.935261e-01
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  P_r  of
    G           4.883484e-01
    dGdT        7.545207e-04
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      4.932880e-08
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3     -1.382857e-10
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  G_ref  of
    G           1.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  S_ref  of
    G          -1.000000e+03
    dGdT       -1.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  a1  of
    G           1.000000e+03
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        1.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  a2  of
    G           3.253156e-01
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        2.777006e-04
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2     -7.711764e-08
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      4.283124e-11
Derivative with respect to parameter:  a3  of
    G           9.344484e-01
    dGdT       -8.731939e-04
    dGdP        9.344484e-04
    d2GdT2      1.631909e-06
    d2GdTdP    -8.731939e-07
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3     -4.574805e-09
    d3GdT2dP    1.631909e-09
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  a4  of
    G           3.039907e-04
    dGdT       -2.840636e-07
    dGdP        2.594969e-07
    d2GdT2      5.308856e-10
    d2GdTdP    -2.424865e-10
    d2GdP2     -7.206246e-11
    d3GdT3     -1.488256e-12
    d3GdT2dP    4.531823e-13
    d3GdTdP2    6.733866e-14
    d3GdP3      4.002358e-14
Derivative with respect to parameter:  c1  of
    G          -9.097068e+02
    dGdT       -1.471099e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -7.703270e-04
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      5.934037e-07
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  c2  of
    G          -3.121215e-02
    dGdT       -3.430487e-05
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -6.726448e-10
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      1.775260e-12
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  Psi  of
    G           1.134530e-01
    dGdT       -1.063322e-05
    dGdP        8.194701e-05
    d2GdT2      1.987239e-08
    d2GdTdP    -7.680367e-09
    d2GdP2     -4.551347e-08
    d3GdT3     -5.570917e-11
    d3GdT2dP    1.435381e-11
    d3GdTdP2    4.265686e-12
    d3GdP3      3.791736e-11
Derivative with respect to parameter:  eta  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  rH  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  omega0  of
    G           7.694419e-01
    dGdT        1.328082e-03
    dGdP       -1.126329e-03
    d2GdT2     -1.810524e-06
    d2GdTdP    -1.223635e-06
    d2GdP2      2.711051e-06
    d3GdT3     -6.705944e-09
    d3GdT2dP    3.966748e-09
    d3GdTdP2    2.058888e-09
    d3GdP3     -9.087778e-09
Derivative with respect to parameter:  theta  of
    G           6.970779e+01
    dGdT        7.319222e-02
    dGdP       -1.576139e-05
    d2GdT2      4.937114e-08
    d2GdTdP     2.945641e-08
    d2GdP2      7.680367e-09
    d3GdT3     -1.588061e-10
    d3GdT2dP   -8.257650e-11
    d3GdTdP2   -1.435381e-11
    d3GdP3     -4.265686e-12
Derivative with respect to parameter:  z  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00

Time execution of the code

    %timeit hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_g(t,p)
except AttributeError:
    %timeit hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_g(t,p)
except AttributeError:
166 µs ± 3.57 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

Compare to Objective-C implementation of DEW model

from ctypes import cdll
from ctypes import util
from rubicon.objc import ObjCClass, objc_method
<CDLL '/usr/local/lib/libphaseobjc.dylib', handle 7fbfef904a70 at 0x7fc042695e50>
DEWFluid = ObjCClass('DEWFluid')
obj = DEWFluid.alloc().init()
if use_charged_species_example:
    refModel = obj.endmembers.objectAtIndex_(25) # 25 is Na+
    refModel = obj.endmembers.objectAtIndex_(24) # 24 is NaCl
t = 1298.15
p = 5001.0
import math
fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:13.6e} {4:6.2f}%"
fmts = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e}"
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_g(t,p)
    y = refModel.getGibbsFreeEnergyFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('G', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dgdt(t,p)
    y = -refModel.getEntropyFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dgdp(t,p)
    y = refModel.getVolumeFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d2gdt2(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d2GdT2', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d2gdtdp(t,p)
    y = refModel.getDvDtFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d2GdTdP', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d2gdp2(t,p)
    y = refModel.getDvDpFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d3gdt3(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdT3', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d3gdt2dp(t,p)
    y = refModel.getD2vDt2FromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d3gdtdp2(t,p)
    y = refModel.getD2vDtDpFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_d3gdp3(t,p)
    y = refModel.getD2vDp2FromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d3GdP3', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_s(t,p)
    y = refModel.getEntropyFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('S', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_v(t,p)
    y = refModel.getVolumeFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('V', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_cv(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('Cv', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_cp(t,p)
    y = refModel.getHeatCapacityFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('Cp', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_dcpdt(t,p)
    y = refModel.getDcpDtFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dCpdT', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_alpha(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('alpha', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_beta(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('beta', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_K(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('K', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_Kp(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('Kp', x))
except AttributeError:
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_g(t,p)
    y = refModel.getGibbsFreeEnergyFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('G', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_dgdt(t,p)
    y = -refModel.getEntropyFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_dgdp(t,p)
    y = refModel.getVolumeFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d2gdt2(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d2GdT2', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d2gdtdp(t,p)
    y = refModel.getDvDtFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d2GdTdP', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d2gdp2(t,p)
    y = refModel.getDvDpFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d3gdt3(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdT3', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d3gdt2dp(t,p)
    y = refModel.getD2vDt2FromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d3gdtdp2(t,p)
    y = refModel.getD2vDtDpFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_d3gdp3(t,p)
    y = refModel.getD2vDp2FromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('d3GdP3', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_s(t,p)
    y = refModel.getEntropyFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('S', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_v(t,p)
    y = refModel.getVolumeFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('V', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_cv(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('Cv', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_cp(t,p)
    y = refModel.getHeatCapacityFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('Cp', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_dcpdt(t,p)
    y = refModel.getDcpDtFromT_andP_(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dCpdT', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_alpha(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('alpha', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_beta(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('beta', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_K(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('K', x))
    x = hkf.cy_Na_1_cation_hkf_calib_Kp(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('Kp', x))
except AttributeError:
G          -3.732904e+05 -3.690727e+05 -4.217695e+03   1.14%
dGdT       -1.354628e+02 -1.311818e+02 -4.280958e+00   3.26%
dGdP       -2.288937e+00 -2.288937e+00  0.000000e+00   0.00%
d2GdT2     -2.985789e-02
d2GdTdP    -7.511966e-03 -7.511966e-03 -1.734723e-18   0.00%
d2GdP2      1.143502e-03  1.143502e-03  2.168404e-19   0.00%
d3GdT3     -8.917339e-05
d3GdT2dP   -3.366689e-06 -3.476772e-06  1.100835e-07   3.17%
d3GdTdP2    3.553811e-06  3.561965e-06 -8.154136e-09   0.23%
d3GdP3     -6.291056e-07 -6.232179e-07 -5.887680e-09   0.94%
S           1.354628e+02  1.311818e+02  4.280996e+00   3.26%
V          -2.288937e+00 -2.288943e+00  5.626684e-06   0.00%
Cv          1.028212e+02
Cp          3.876002e+01  3.876000e+01  2.184210e-05   0.00%
dCpdT       1.456183e-01  1.450226e-01  5.957707e-04   0.41%
alpha       3.281857e-03
beta        4.995779e-04
K           2.001690e+03
Kp          1.012431e-01