Berman Standard State Code Generator

Required system packages and initialization

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym

Required ENKI packages

from thermoengine import coder

Types of terms in a standard state properties description

There are three classes of terms: 1. Terms that apply over the whole of \(T\)-, \(P\)-space, \(T_r \le T\), \(P_r \le P\) 2. Terms that apply over a specified range of \(T\)-, \(P\)-space, \((T_{r_\lambda},P_{r_\lambda}) \le (T,P) \le (T_\lambda,P_\lambda)\) 3. Terms that apply to a specific \(T_t\) and \(P_t\) and higher \(T\), \(P\), \(T_t \le T\), \(P_t \le P\)

Second-order phase transitions (\(lambda\)-transitions) are an example of the second type, as are order disorder transformations. First-order phase transitions are an example of the third type.

Create a model class for the Gibbs free energy

model = coder.StdStateModel()

Retrieve sympy symbols for model variables and reference conditions

T = model.get_symbol_for_t()
P = model.get_symbol_for_p()
Tr = model.get_symbol_for_tr()
Pr = model.get_symbol_for_pr()

Define model expressions applicable over all of T,P space

An expression for the Gibbs free energy, \(G(T,P)\) or the Helmholtz energy \(A(T,V)\) is constructed. The expression may have multiple parts. Often the heat capacity function is postulated, then integrated to yield expressions for the entahlpy, entropy, and in combination the energy potential. Then, an equation of state (EOS) is adopted and that term is integrated in pressure or volume and added to the heat capacity integrals. This proceedure is follwed here. #### (1) \(C_P\) integrals The isobaric heat capacity terms parameterized as: $C_P = k_0 + k_1 / T^{1/2} + k_2 / T^2 + k_3 / T^3 $, and in addition the reference condition third law entropy, $ S_{Tr,Pr} $, and enthalpy of formation from the elements, $ :raw-latex:`Delta `H_{Tr,Pr} $, constitute additional parameters:

k0,k1,k2,k3 = sym.symbols('k0 k1 k2 k3')
CpPr = k0+k1/sym.sqrt(T)+k2/T**2+k3/T**3
STrPr,HTrPr = sym.symbols('S_TrPr H_TrPr')
\[\displaystyle k_{0} + \frac{k_{2}}{T^{2}} + \frac{k_{3}}{T^{3}} + \frac{k_{1}}{\sqrt{T}}\]

Specify paramters …

params = [('H_TrPr','J',HTrPr), ('S_TrPr','J/K',STrPr), ('k0','J/K-m',k0), ('k1','J-K^(1/2)-m',k1),
          ('k2','J-K/m',k2),  ('k3','J-K^2',k3)]

Define the heat capacity contribution to the Gibbs free energy …

GPr = HTrPr + sym.integrate(CpPr,(T,Tr,T)) - T*(STrPr + sym.integrate(CpPr/T,(T,Tr,T)))
\[\displaystyle H_{TrPr} + 2 \sqrt{T} k_{1} + T k_{0} - T \left(S_{TrPr} + k_{0} \log{\left(T \right)} - k_{0} \log{\left(T_{r} \right)} + \frac{k_{2}}{2 T_{r}^{2}} + \frac{k_{3}}{3 T_{r}^{3}} + \frac{2 k_{1}}{\sqrt{T_{r}}} - \frac{k_{2}}{2 T^{2}} - \frac{k_{3}}{3 T^{3}} - \frac{2 k_{1}}{\sqrt{T}}\right) - 2 \sqrt{T_{r}} k_{1} - T_{r} k_{0} + \frac{k_{2}}{T_{r}} + \frac{k_{3}}{2 T_{r}^{2}} - \frac{k_{2}}{T} - \frac{k_{3}}{2 T^{2}}\]

… and add this expression to the model

model.add_expression_to_model(GPr, params)

(2) \(V\) (EOS) integrals

Next, define a volume-explicit equation of state applicable over the whole of temperature and pressure space

VTrPr,v1,v2,v3,v4 = sym.symbols('V_TrPr v1 v2 v3 v4')
params = [('V_TrPr', 'J/bar-m', VTrPr), ('v1','1/bar',v1), ('v2','1/bar^2',v2), ('v3','1/K',v3),  ('v4','1/K^2',v4)]
GPrToP = sym.integrate(VTrPr*(1+v1*(P-Pr)+v2*(P-Pr)**2+v3*(T-Tr)+v4*(T-Tr)**2),(P,Pr,P))
model.add_expression_to_model(GPrToP, params)

Define additional lambda heat capacity terms applicable over a restricted range of T,P space

These contributions to the potential function apply over a limited range of \(T,P\) or \(T,V\) space. However, the affects of these functions propagate beyond the upper limits of the range. Say, \(f(T,P)\) is the contribution to the Gibbs free energy that describes a \(\lambda\)-like transition over the range \(({T_{\lambda ,ref}},{P_{\lambda ,ref}})\) to \(({T_\lambda },{P_\lambda })\). Then, above the upper limit of temperature there is a fixed entropy contribution:

\(- {\left. {\frac{{\partial f\left( {T,P} \right)}}{{\partial T}}} \right|_{{T_\lambda },{P_\lambda }}} = {f_S}({T_\lambda },{P_\lambda })\)

and above the upper limit of pressure there is a fixed volume contribution:

\({\left. {\frac{{\partial f\left( {T,P} \right)}}{{\partial P}}} \right|_{{T_\lambda },{P_\lambda }}} = {f_V}({T_\lambda },{P_\lambda })\)

the consequence of which is that for \(T > T_{\lambda}\) and \(P > P_{\lambda}\), there is a contribution to the Gibbs free energy of the form:

\(- \left( {T - {T_\lambda }} \right){f_S}({T_\lambda },{P_\lambda }) + \left( {P - {P_\lambda }} \right){f_V}({T_\lambda },{P_\lambda })\)

This contribution is linear in \(T\) and \(P\).

The additional energetic contributions applicable above the upper range limit will be added automatically to the model function, and need not be explicitly accounted for in building the model expressions.

(1) \(\lambda\)-transition-like heat capacity integrals

Parameters of the Berman (1988) lambda transition model: - \(l_1\) and \(l_2\), coefficients in Berman (1988)’s \(lambda\)-heat capacity model - \(k_{\lambda}\), \(\frac{{d{T_\lambda }}}{{dP}}\) in Berman (1988)’s \(lambda\)-transition model - \(T_{\lambda,{P_r}}\), Temperature of the \(\lambda\)-transition at reference pressure - \(T_{\lambda,{ref}}\), Temperature of the lower bound of the heat capacity integral for the \(\lambda\)-transition at reference pressure

l1,l2 = sym.symbols('l1 l2')
kl = sym.symbols('k_lambda')
TlPr, Tlref = sym.symbols('T_lambda_Pr T_lambda_ref')
params = [('l1','(J/m)^(1/2)-K', l1), ('l2', '(J/m)^(1/2)/K^2', l2), ('k_lambda', 'K/bar', kl),
          ('T_lambda_Pr', 'K', TlPr), ('T_lambda_ref', 'K', Tlref)]

Calculate the transition temperature, \(T_{\lambda}\), at the pressure, \(P\)

Tl = TlPr + kl*(P-Pr)

Temperature difference between \(T_{\lambda}\) at \(P\) and \(P_r\)

td = TlPr - Tl

Reference temperature for lower limit of heat capacity integral.

tr = Tlref - td

Heat capacity due to the \(\lambda\)-transition at \(T\) and \(P\). Valid: \(T_r \le T \le T_{\lambda}\).

Note: The syntax of the arguments to the SymPy Piecewise expression is of the form:

(e1,c1), (e2,d2), ..., (eDefault, True)

where the sequence is evaluated left to right. eN is the value of the resulting expression if the condition cN is True. cN is always a logical comparison. The first cN that is True provides the value of the expression. If no cN evaluate to True, then the resulting expression becomes eDefault given by the last tuple in the sequence. See the example below.

Cpl = (T+td)*(l1+l2*(T+td))**2

Compute the Gibbs free energy of the lambda transition

Gl = sym.integrate(Cpl,(T,tr,T)) - T*sym.integrate(Cpl/T,(T,tr,T))

… and add this expression to the model

model.add_expression_to_model(Gl, params, exp_type='restricted', lower_limits=(tr,Pr), upper_limits=(Tl,None))

(2) First order phase transition terms

Berman terms valid at T \(\ge\) \(T_t\). Parameters (in this case \(T_t\) is equivalent to \(T_{\lambda}\): - \({{\Delta}_t}H\), First order enthalpy contribution at \(T_{\lambda}\)

deltaHt = sym.symbols('H_t')
params = [('H_t','J/m', deltaHt)]

\({{\Delta}_t}S = {{\Delta}_t}H/T_{\lambda}\), First order enropy contribution at \(T_{\lambda}\): \({{\Delta}_t}H - T {{\Delta}_t}S = -(T-T_{\lambda}) {{\Delta}_t}H/T_{\lambda}\)

GaboveTl = -(T-Tl)*deltaHt/Tl

… and add this expression to the model

model.add_expression_to_model(GaboveTl , params, exp_type='restricted', lower_limits=(Tl,None), upper_limits=(Tl,None))

(3) Order-disorder contributions

Parameters of the Berman (1988) order-disorder model: - \(d_0\), \(d_1\), \(d_2\), \(d_3\), \(d_4\), \(d_5\), order-disorder coefficients from the Berman (1988) model - \(T_{D_{ref}}\), \(T_D\), minimum, maximum temperature of ordering interval, \(T_{D_{ref}} \le T \le T_D\)

d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5 = sym.symbols('d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5')
TD,TDref = sym.symbols('T_D T_D_ref')
params = [('d0','J/K-m', d0), ('d1','J/K^(1/2)-m',d1), ('d2','J-K/m',d2), ('d3','J/K^2-m',d3),
          ('d4','J/K^3-m',d4), ('d5','bar',d5), ('T_D','K',TD), ('T_D_ref','K',TDref)]
CpDs = d0 + d1/sym.sqrt(T) + d2/T**2 + d3*T + d4*T**2
HDs = sym.integrate(CpDs,(T,TDref,T))
SDs = sym.integrate(CpDs/T,(T,TDref,T))
VDs = HDs/d5
GDs = HDs - T*SDs + VDs*(P-Pr)
model.add_expression_to_model(GDs , params, exp_type='restricted', lower_limits=(TDref,None), upper_limits=(TD,None))

Import the new module and test the model

import berman
%cd ..
/Users/ghiorso/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Cython/Compiler/Main.py:369: FutureWarning: Cython directive 'language_level' not set, using 2 for now (Py2). This will change in a later release! File: /Users/ghiorso/Documents/ARCHIVE_XCODE/ThermoEngine/Notebooks/Codegen/working/berman.pyx
  tree = Parsing.p_module(s, pxd, full_module_name)

Evaluate functions at temperature (K) and pressure (bars)

t = 1000.0
p = 10000.0

Available in both “Fast” and “Calib” code versions

Execute the “fast” or “calibration” code metadata retrieval functions:

except AttributeError:
except AttributeError:
Wed Sep 23 09:55:06 2020
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Execute the standard thermodynamic property retrieval functions:

fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:<10.10s}"
    print(fmt.format('G', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_g(t,p), 'J/m'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dgdt(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dgdp(t,p), 'J/bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d2gdt2(t,p), 'J/K^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdTdP', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d2gdtdp(t,p), 'J/K-bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d2gdp2(t,p), 'J/bar^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT3', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d3gdt3(t,p), 'J/K^3-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d3gdt2dp(t,p), 'J/K^2-bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d3gdtdp2(t,p), 'J/K-bar^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdP3', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d3gdp3(t,p), 'J/bar^3-m'))
    print(fmt.format('S', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_s(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('V', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_v(t,p), 'J/bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('Cv', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_cv(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('Cp', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_cp(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('dCpdT', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dcpdt(t,p), 'J/K^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('alpha', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_alpha(t,p), '1/K'))
    print(fmt.format('beta', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_beta(t,p), '1/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('K', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_K(t,p), 'bar'))
    print(fmt.format('Kp', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_Kp(t,p), ''))
except AttributeError:
    print(fmt.format('G', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_g(t,p), 'J/m'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_dgdt(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_dgdp(t,p), 'J/bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d2gdt2(t,p), 'J/K^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdTdP', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d2gdtdp(t,p), 'J/K-bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d2GdP2', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d2gdp2(t,p), 'J/bar^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT3', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d3gdt3(t,p), 'J/K^3-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d3gdt2dp(t,p), 'J/K^2-bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d3gdtdp2(t,p), 'J/K-bar^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('d3GdP3', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d3gdp3(t,p), 'J/bar^3-m'))
    print(fmt.format('S', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_s(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('V', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_v(t,p), 'J/bar-m'))
    print(fmt.format('Cv', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_cv(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('Cp', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_cp(t,p), 'J/K-m'))
    print(fmt.format('dCpdT', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_dcpdt(t,p), 'J/K^2-m'))
    print(fmt.format('alpha', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_alpha(t,p), '1/K'))
    print(fmt.format('beta', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_beta(t,p), '1/bar'))
    print(fmt.format('K', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_K(t,p), 'bar'))
    print(fmt.format('Kp', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_Kp(t,p), ''))
except AttributeError:
G          -4.207188e+06 J/m
dGdT       -5.440218e+02 J/K-m
dGdP        1.083742e+01 J/bar-m
d2GdP2     -3.203108e-01 J/K^2-m
d2GdTdP     2.759511e-04 J/K-bar-m
d2GdP2     -1.961311e-05 J/bar^2-m
d3GdT3      2.898693e-04 J/K^3-m
d3GdT2dP    7.416367e-08 J/K^2-bar-
d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00 J/K-bar^2-
d3GdP3      0.000000e+00 J/bar^3-m
S           5.440218e+02 J/K-m
V           1.083742e+01 J/bar-m
Cv          3.164283e+02 J/K-m
Cp          3.203108e+02 J/K-m
dCpdT       3.044151e-02 J/K^2-m
alpha       2.546279e-05 1/K
beta        1.809758e-06 1/bar
K           5.525601e+05 bar
Kp         -1.000000e+00

Available only in the “Calib” versions of generated code

Execute the parameter value/metadata functions.
These functions are only defined for the “calibration” model code implementation:
    np = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_get_param_number()
    names = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_get_param_names()
    units = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_get_param_units()
    values = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_get_param_values()
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,np):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except AttributeError:
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+00  1.000000e+00 bar
H_TrPr     -3.970791e+06 -3.970791e+06 J
S_TrPr      2.141450e+02  2.141450e+02 J/K
k0          3.813723e+02  3.813723e+02 J/K-m
k1         -1.941045e+03 -1.941045e+03 J-K^(1/2)-
k2         -1.203725e+07 -1.203725e+07 J-K/m
k3          1.836425e+09  1.836425e+09 J-K^2
V_TrPr      1.086900e+01  1.086900e+01 J/bar-m
v1         -1.804500e-06 -1.804500e-06 1/bar
v2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 1/bar^2
v3          1.514510e-05  1.514510e-05 1/K
v4          5.500000e-09  5.500000e-09 1/K^2
l1          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
l2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
k_lambda    0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K/bar
T_lambda_P  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
T_lambda_r  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
H_t         0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/m
d0          2.829829e+02  2.829829e+02 J/K-m
d1         -4.831375e+03 -4.831375e+03 J/K^(1/2)-
d2          3.620706e+06  3.620706e+06 J-K/m
d3         -1.573300e-01 -1.573300e-01 J/K^2-m
d4          3.477000e-05  3.477000e-05 J/K^3-m
d5          4.106296e+05  4.106296e+05 bar
T_D         1.436150e+03  1.436150e+03 K
T_D_ref     2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K

Test the functions that allow modification of the array of parameter values

    values[1] = 100.0
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,np):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except (AttributeError, NameError):
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+02  1.000000e+02 bar
H_TrPr     -3.970791e+06 -3.970791e+06 J
S_TrPr      2.141450e+02  2.141450e+02 J/K
k0          3.813723e+02  3.813723e+02 J/K-m
k1         -1.941045e+03 -1.941045e+03 J-K^(1/2)-
k2         -1.203725e+07 -1.203725e+07 J-K/m
k3          1.836425e+09  1.836425e+09 J-K^2
V_TrPr      1.086900e+01  1.086900e+01 J/bar-m
v1         -1.804500e-06 -1.804500e-06 1/bar
v2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 1/bar^2
v3          1.514510e-05  1.514510e-05 1/K
v4          5.500000e-09  5.500000e-09 1/K^2
l1          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
l2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
k_lambda    0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K/bar
T_lambda_P  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
T_lambda_r  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
H_t         0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/m
d0          2.829829e+02  2.829829e+02 J/K-m
d1         -4.831375e+03 -4.831375e+03 J/K^(1/2)-
d2          3.620706e+06  3.620706e+06 J-K/m
d3         -1.573300e-01 -1.573300e-01 J/K^2-m
d4          3.477000e-05  3.477000e-05 J/K^3-m
d5          4.106296e+05  4.106296e+05 bar
T_D         1.436150e+03  1.436150e+03 K
T_D_ref     2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K

Test the functions that allow modification of a particular parameter value

    berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_set_param_value(1, 1.0)
    fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:<10.10s}"
    for i in range(0,np):
        print(fmt.format(names[i], values[i], berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_get_param_value(i), units[i]))
except AttributeError:
T_r         2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K
P_r         1.000000e+02  1.000000e+00 bar
H_TrPr     -3.970791e+06 -3.970791e+06 J
S_TrPr      2.141450e+02  2.141450e+02 J/K
k0          3.813723e+02  3.813723e+02 J/K-m
k1         -1.941045e+03 -1.941045e+03 J-K^(1/2)-
k2         -1.203725e+07 -1.203725e+07 J-K/m
k3          1.836425e+09  1.836425e+09 J-K^2
V_TrPr      1.086900e+01  1.086900e+01 J/bar-m
v1         -1.804500e-06 -1.804500e-06 1/bar
v2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 1/bar^2
v3          1.514510e-05  1.514510e-05 1/K
v4          5.500000e-09  5.500000e-09 1/K^2
l1          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
l2          0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 (J/m)^(1/2
k_lambda    0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K/bar
T_lambda_P  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
T_lambda_r  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 K
H_t         0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00 J/m
d0          2.829829e+02  2.829829e+02 J/K-m
d1         -4.831375e+03 -4.831375e+03 J/K^(1/2)-
d2          3.620706e+06  3.620706e+06 J-K/m
d3         -1.573300e-01 -1.573300e-01 J/K^2-m
d4          3.477000e-05  3.477000e-05 J/K^3-m
d5          4.106296e+05  4.106296e+05 bar
T_D         1.436150e+03  1.436150e+03 K
T_D_ref     2.981500e+02  2.981500e+02 K

Evaluate parameter derivatives …

    fmt = "    {0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e}"
    for i in range(0, np):
        print ('Derivative with respect to parameter: ', names[i], ' of')
        print (fmt.format('G', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_g(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('dGdT', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_dgdt(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('dGdP', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_dgdp(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdT2', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_d2gdt2(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdTdP', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_d2gdtdp(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d2GdP2', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_d2gdp2(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdT3', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_d3gdt3(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdT2dP', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_d3gdt2dp(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdTdP2', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_d3gdtdp2(t, p, i)))
        print (fmt.format('d3GdP3', berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dparam_d3gdp3(t, p, i)))
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_r  of
    G           4.749953e+02
    dGdT        6.791213e-01
    dGdP       -2.485246e-04
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP    -1.195590e-07
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  P_r  of
    G          -1.083742e+01
    dGdT       -2.759511e-04
    dGdP        1.961311e-05
    d2GdT2     -7.416367e-08
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      5.679542e-11
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  H_TrPr  of
    G           1.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  S_TrPr  of
    G          -1.000000e+03
    dGdT       -1.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k0  of
    G          -5.083086e+02
    dGdT       -1.210159e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -1.000000e-03
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      1.000000e-06
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k1  of
    G          -2.387068e+01
    dGdT       -5.258219e-02
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -3.162278e-05
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      4.743416e-08
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k2  of
    G          -2.770697e-03
    dGdT       -5.124713e-06
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -1.000000e-09
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      3.000000e-12
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k3  of
    G          -7.118874e-06
    dGdT       -1.224359e-08
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2     -1.000000e-12
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      4.000000e-15
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  V_TrPr  of
    G           1.004217e+04
    dGdT        2.286316e-01
    dGdP        9.952957e-01
    d2GdT2      1.099890e-04
    d2GdTdP     2.286545e-05
    d2GdP2     -1.804500e-06
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    1.100000e-08
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  v1  of
    G           5.433413e+08
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        1.086791e+05
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      1.086900e+01
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  v2  of
    G           3.621913e+12
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        1.086683e+09
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      2.173583e+05
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      2.173800e+01
Derivative with respect to parameter:  v3  of
    G           7.627645e+07
    dGdT        1.086791e+05
    dGdP        7.628408e+03
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     1.086900e+01
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  v4  of
    G           5.353463e+10
    dGdT        1.525529e+08
    dGdP        5.353998e+06
    d2GdT2      2.173583e+05
    d2GdTdP     1.525682e+04
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    2.173800e+01
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  l1  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  l2  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  k_lambda  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_lambda_Pr  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_lambda_ref  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  H_t  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d0  of
    G          -4.912182e+02
    dGdT       -1.185808e+00
    dGdP        1.709204e-03
    d2GdT2     -1.000000e-03
    d2GdTdP     2.435285e-06
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      1.000000e-06
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d1  of
    G          -2.317154e+01
    dGdT       -5.181216e-02
    dGdP        6.992070e-05
    d2GdT2     -3.200779e-05
    d2GdTdP     7.701046e-08
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      4.801169e-08
    d3GdT2dP   -3.850523e-11
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d2  of
    G          -2.713375e-03
    dGdT       -5.100363e-06
    dGdP        5.732700e-09
    d2GdT2     -1.048701e-09
    d2GdTdP     2.435285e-12
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      3.146102e-12
    d3GdT2dP   -4.870569e-15
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d3  of
    G          -2.352038e+05
    dGdT       -6.774996e+02
    dGdP        1.109402e+00
    d2GdT2     -9.756496e-01
    d2GdTdP     2.435285e-03
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    2.435285e-06
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d4  of
    G          -1.231528e+08
    dGdT       -4.312029e+05
    dGdP        7.902469e+02
    d2GdT2     -9.512992e+02
    d2GdTdP     2.435285e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3     -9.512992e-01
    d3GdT2dP    4.870569e-03
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  d5  of
    G          -4.761389e-04
    dGdT       -6.678459e-07
    dGdP       -4.761865e-08
    d2GdT2      1.105395e-09
    d2GdTdP    -6.679127e-11
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      1.382992e-12
    d3GdT2dP    1.105505e-13
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_D  of
    G           0.000000e+00
    dGdT        0.000000e+00
    dGdP        0.000000e+00
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
Derivative with respect to parameter:  T_D_ref  of
    G           2.167340e-01
    dGdT        3.120316e-04
    dGdP       -2.265599e-07
    d2GdT2      0.000000e+00
    d2GdTdP     0.000000e+00
    d2GdP2      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT3      0.000000e+00
    d3GdT2dP    0.000000e+00
    d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
    d3GdP3      0.000000e+00

Test the generated code against the standard Berman code base

from thermoengine import model
bermanDB = model.Database()
abbrv = ""
for full_name, abbrv in zip(bermanDB.phase_info.phase_name,bermanDB.phase_info.abbrev):
    if phase_name == full_name:
refModel = bermanDB.get_phase(abbrv)
import math
fmt = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e} {2:13.6e} {3:13.6e} {4:6.2f}%"
fmts = "{0:<10.10s} {1:13.6e}"
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_g(t,p)
    y = refModel.gibbs_energy(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('G', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dgdt(t,p)
    y = -refModel.entropy(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dgdp(t,p)
    y = refModel.volume(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d2gdt2(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d2GdT2', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d2gdtdp(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d2GdTdP', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d2gdp2(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d2GdP2', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d3gdt3(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdT3', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d3gdt2dp(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdT2dP', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d3gdtdp2(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdTdP2', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_d3gdp3(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdP3', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_s(t,p)
    y = refModel.entropy(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('S', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_v(t,p)
    y = refModel.volume(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('V', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_cv(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('Cv', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_cp(t,p)
    y = refModel.heat_capacity(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('Cp', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_dcpdt(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('dCpdT', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_alpha(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('alpha', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_beta(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('beta', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_K(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('K', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_Kp(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('Kp', x))
except AttributeError:
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_g(t,p)
    y = refModel.gibbs_energy(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('G', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_dgdt(t,p)
    y = -refModel.entropy(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dGdT', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_dgdp(t,p)
    y = refModel.volume(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('dGdP', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d2gdt2(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d2GdT2', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d2gdtdp(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d2GdTdP', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d2gdp2(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d2GdP2', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d3gdt3(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdT3', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d3gdt2dp(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdT2dP', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d3gdtdp2(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdTdP2', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_d3gdp3(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('d3GdP3', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_s(t,p)
    y = refModel.entropy(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('S', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_v(t,p)
    y = refModel.volume(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('V', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_cv(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('Cv', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_cp(t,p)
    y = refModel.heat_capacity(t,p)
    print(fmt.format('Cp', x, y, x-y, 100.0*math.fabs((x-y)/y)))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_dcpdt(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('dCpdT', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_alpha(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('alpha', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_beta(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('beta', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_K(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('K', x))
    x = berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_Kp(t,p)
    print(fmts.format('Kp', x))
except AttributeError:
G          -4.207188e+06 -4.207218e+06  3.024521e+01   0.00%
dGdT       -5.440218e+02 -5.440935e+02  7.166392e-02   0.01%
dGdP        1.083742e+01  1.083799e+01 -5.670119e-04   0.01%
d2GdT2     -3.203108e-01
d2GdTdP     2.759511e-04
d2GdP2     -1.961311e-05
d3GdT3      2.898693e-04
d3GdT2dP    7.416367e-08
d3GdTdP2    0.000000e+00
d3GdP3      0.000000e+00
S           5.440218e+02  5.440935e+02 -7.166392e-02   0.01%
V           1.083742e+01  1.083799e+01 -5.670119e-04   0.01%
Cv          3.164283e+02
Cp          3.203108e+02  3.203555e+02 -4.466899e-02   0.01%
dCpdT       3.044151e-02
alpha       2.546279e-05
beta        1.809758e-06
K           5.525601e+05
Kp         -1.000000e+00

Time execution of the code

    %timeit berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_calib_g(t,p)
except AttributeError:
    %timeit berman.cy_Potassium_Feldspar_berman_g(t,p)
except AttributeError:
211 ns ± 7.75 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
%timeit refModel.gibbs_energy(t,p)
23.7 µs ± 589 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)