Korzhinskii potential minimization (T, P, \(\mu\)H2O constrained)

Open system; crystallization of a rhyolitic liquid using rhyolite-MELTS

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import scipy.linalg as lin
import sys
from thermoengine import core, phases, model, equilibrate

Create phases for equilibrium assemblages

modelDB = model.Database(liq_mod='v1.0')
Liquid = modelDB.get_phase('Liq')
Feldspar = modelDB.get_phase('Fsp')
Quartz = modelDB.get_phase('Qz')

The Berman model database provides the SWIM water model by default. Instead, override that choice by instantiating the MELTS 1.0.2 water model directly.

Water = phases.PurePhase('WaterMelts', 'H2O', calib=False)

Define elements in system and phases in system

elm_sys = ['H','O','Na','Mg','Al','Si','P','K','Ca','Ti','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni']
phs_sys = [Liquid, Feldspar, Quartz, Water]

Composition of the system

This is a high-silica rhyolite

grm_oxides = {
    'SiO2':  77.5,
    'TiO2':   0.08,
    'Al2O3': 12.5,
    'Fe2O3':  0.207,
    'Cr2O3':  0.0,
    'FeO':    0.473,
    'MnO':    0.0,
    'MgO':    0.03,
    'NiO':    0.0,
    'CoO':    0.0,
    'CaO':    0.43,
    'Na2O':   3.98,
    'K2O':    4.88,
    'P2O5':   0.0,
    'H2O':    5.5

Cast this composition as moles of elements for input to the Equilibrate class

mol_oxides = core.chem.format_mol_oxide_comp(grm_oxides, convert_grams_to_moles=True)
moles_end,oxide_res = Liquid.calc_endmember_comp(
    mol_oxide_comp=mol_oxides, method='intrinsic', output_residual=True)
if not Liquid.test_endmember_comp(moles_end):
    print ("Calculated composition is infeasible!")
mol_elm = Liquid.covert_endmember_comp(moles_end,output='moles_elements')
blk_cmp = []
for elm in elm_sys:
    index = core.chem.PERIODIC_ORDER.tolist().index(elm)
blk_cmp = np.array(blk_cmp)

Method to constrain the chemical potential of H2O

This method is passed to the Equilibrate class and is used to set the chemical potential of water in the system to that of pure water. This is equivalent to forcing the system to be saturated with water for all T and P.

def muH2O(t, p, state):
    return Water.gibbs_energy(t, p)

Instantiate class instance and run calculation

equil = equilibrate.Equilibrate(elm_sys, phs_sys, lagrange_l=[({'H':2.0,'O':1.0},muH2O)])
t = 1050.0
p = 1750.0
state = equil.execute(t, p, bulk_comp=blk_cmp, debug=0, stats=True)
Add: Feldspar
Quad (000) norm:  5.3955099899240e-03 Lin (026) step:  9.2108450439213e-01 func: -1.6067853526829e+06
Quad (001) norm:  5.0689592065047e-04 Lin (028) step:  1.1191143427707e+00 func: -1.6067853659542e+06
Quad (002) norm:  5.2093020609536e-05 Lin (033) step:  9.6074094554648e-01 func: -1.6067853661133e+06
Quad (003) norm:  2.1626712406157e-06 Lin (036) step:  9.7782391036993e-01 func: -1.6067853660797e+06
Quad (004) norm:  4.8163169842462e-08 Lin (035) step:  1.6232198623426e+00 func: -1.6067853660804e+06
Quad (005) norm:  3.0019986294382e-08 Lin (039) step:  1.3740686088664e+00 func: -1.6067853660804e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     776.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   1.639690 grams: 104.628
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6745  wt%    SiO2   73.73
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0006  wt%    TiO2    0.08
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0424  wt%   Al2O3   11.82
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0008  wt%   Fe2O3    0.20
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.45
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0020  wt%     MgO    0.03
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.39
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0002  wt%    Na2O    3.76
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.66
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    4.89
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0044
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0387
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0631
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1732
Feldspar        moles:   0.002127 grams:   0.567
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7392  wt%    SiO2   63.41
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.1886  wt%   Al2O3   22.75
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.0723  wt%     CaO    3.97
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.60
                                                  wt%     K2O    1.28
Quartz          affn:     134.38
Water           affn:       0.00
t = 1030.0
p = 1750.0
state = equil.execute(t, p, state=state, debug=0, stats=True)
Add: Quartz
Quad (000) norm:  1.5738316333786e-01 Lin (024) step:  7.8904074183554e-01 func: -1.6023662509952e+06
Quad (001) norm:  6.1830006723981e-02 Lin (018) step:  1.5215401431957e+00 func: -1.6023721083608e+06
Quad (002) norm:  2.8764208858874e-02 Lin (038) step:  1.9999999656497e+00 func: -1.6023752424417e+06
Quad (003) norm:  2.9818865344059e+00 Lin (016) step: -1.5518893558448e-01 func: -1.6023891660537e+06
Quad (004) norm:  1.6819900238397e-01 Lin (025) step:  7.7857669133260e-01 func: -1.6024008662770e+06
Quad (005) norm:  1.4001168241950e-02 Lin (021) step:  9.6028681052471e-01 func: -1.6024013429625e+06
Quad (006) norm:  4.4326808519568e-03 Lin (025) step:  9.9446260072970e-01 func: -1.6024013517995e+06
Quad (007) norm:  4.1333324371243e-05 Lin (029) step:  1.0116971344263e+00 func: -1.6024013518454e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Unmixing: Feldspar
Add: Water
Quad (000) norm:  1.7702750257848e-01 Lin (018) step:  1.5465833493494e-01 func: -1.6024090882168e+06
Quad (001) norm:  1.3337217702033e-02 Lin (020) step:  1.4524227518911e+00 func: -1.6024112814304e+06
Quad (002) norm:  1.0349481938031e-02 Lin (011) step:  1.1340244203694e+00 func: -1.6024114495889e+06
Quad (003) norm:  4.3792689077607e-03 Lin (019) step:  1.0449740135376e+00 func: -1.6024114563752e+06
Quad (004) norm:  3.2171612864058e-05 Lin (030) step:  9.9362442957517e-01 func: -1.6024114563223e+06
Quad (005) norm:  1.3238792828513e-07 Lin (037) step:  8.0650453135374e-01 func: -1.6024114563242e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     756.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   0.527063 grams:  33.949
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6693  wt%    SiO2   72.86
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0019  wt%    TiO2    0.24
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0403  wt%   Al2O3   11.32
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0025  wt%   Fe2O3    0.61
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    1.39
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0062  wt%     MgO    0.09
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.23
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0007  wt%    Na2O    3.82
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.57
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    4.87
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0027
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0397
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0624
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1743
Feldspar        moles:   0.120460 grams:  32.664
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.4452  wt%    SiO2   66.13
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0155  wt%   Al2O3   19.09
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.5393  wt%     CaO    0.32
                                                  wt%    Na2O    5.09
                                                  wt%     K2O    9.37
Quartz          moles:   0.393825 grams:  23.663
Water           moles:   0.000010 grams:   0.000
Feldspar        moles:   0.043077 grams:  11.459
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7645  wt%    SiO2   65.46
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.1021  wt%   Al2O3   21.12
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.1333  wt%     CaO    2.15
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.91
                                                  wt%     K2O    2.36